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26th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
All Vixen and Kujo pets will receive DOUBLE STATS at the Gym and Elite Gym until January 10th.

All Gingerbread and Seasonal pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym until January 20th.

And all Gingerbread and Seasonal pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School until January 20th.

These Minipets can now wear the Ball of Winter Yarn.

Can you find these new Hidden Avatars?

26th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
A new Weekly Battle Contest has just started. This week's opponent is Muskit. You will need to have a Muskit Trading Card in your Battle Deck. The challenge is to win as many battles against this opponent this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Hero Trading Card, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Sweetdemonicangel, JgBcGirl, Wolfen
Silver: dreamlover11359, WellyWellz, Cleola, JahLove, jennycat02, AmyMarie
Bronze: _Dee_, ellomybeautiful, Antonia, TeoDanielleSM, RainbowGemstone82, Toshiyori63, Nevara, ZyuohTheWorld, Defiant

A new Beauty Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is New Year's Ball. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Santa's Helper theme:

25th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
Merry Christmas

The staff at MaraPets would like to wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas.

We hope you all have an amazing day with your family and friends, get everything that you want and if you don't celebrate, enjoy a quiet and less busy day on Marapets.

Don't forget the Advent Calendar has prizes for each and every day of December!

24th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 5 days ago
The Lottery has been drawn for this week. MissNora is the winner of the 823,100MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 3, 9, 11, 15, 23 and 42. Congratulations!

Last Week's Raffle has now ended. Tinessa is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 59347. Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

The Game of the Week has changed to Memory Pets and this week's Olympics Event is Swimming.

The Mission of the Week has now changed. Earn 50% more MP completing levels of
Greedy Gertrude this week.

Voting has closed and a new Shop of the Week has been decided. For the next 7 days, the
Soft Drinks shop has a 2 for 1 sale. Every time you buy an item from this shop you will pay for one and receive two. Vote Now for next week.

All pets wearing a Snow Costume will receive Double Training stats this week at the Gym and Elite Gym. Vote Now for next week. All pets wearing a Fairy Costume will receive Double Education stats this week at the School and University. Vote Now for next week.

21st December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
A new Weekly Quest Contest has just started. This week's quest game is Borak's Brew. The challenge is to complete as many of these Quests this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Minipet Costume, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Sumer6, x_snowfall_x, Umbreon
Silver: Caitlyn, Vil, Games, Rin, Jae, BANKS
Bronze: MyraMeliodus, SayYoullHauntMe, Florence, Tayaah, deadpoolio, harleygirl281, banancy, iMel, Bbk23

A new Ugly Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Overworked Santa. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Christmas Decoration theme:

20th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Queen Eleka also gives you a FREE Loyalty Raffle Ticket every day that you visit us for this Weekly Raffle. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. Winners are announced every Wednesday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£25 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by RkleckM

Won by likewhatsupwiththat

Two Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Won by LlamaTurtle

A new Weekly Item Contest has just started. This week's item is Snowman Book. The challenge is to delete as many of this item as you can this week. You will earn 1 Point in the contest and 1 Memory Point for every Snowman Book deleted. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Pumpkin Spice Latte, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : Bbk23, MrPeaboddis, Toshiyori63
Silver : toadlyturtles, fishdoctor, KittyzandCream, valerie310, stickittoome, Winning25
Bronze : mischiefmaker, Sherree, obsolete, Caitlyn, MassPanic, FlippyBear, meecar100, banancy, hlee13

19th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
A new Weekly Battle Contest has just started. This week's opponent is Cheddar. You will need to have a Cheddar Trading Card in your Battle Deck. The challenge is to win as many battles against this opponent this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Punk Xoi Trading Card, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Catherine, Jami, kittycatslover
Silver: _Dee_, Toshiyori63, shizuhu, delloyd, Patti, DragonLady1
Bronze: tvampyer, Lisa, Jokar, Harrison, Sweetdemonicangel, ellen44dugas, Nicky, Alcyone, nicecat2

A new Beauty Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Santa's Helper. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Gifted Angel theme:

18th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
The Furry Costume has been replaced with a new Dalmatian Costume and 28 different pets can now wear it! The Furry Costume was very old and neglected and so similar to the Hairy Costume that it was changed to someting more unique. Remember, you can win this costume from Ublish's Lair Mission. If you had a Furry Costume or Furry Pet, these will automatically change to Dalmatian.

18th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
The Lottery has been drawn for this week. Politics is the winner of the 944,900MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 1, 2, 3, 33, 39 and 49. Congratulations!

Computer Parts is back under new ownership and can be invested in again. Shares are starting at 518MP.

Last Week's Raffle has now ended. rappinrocks is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 40199. Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

The Game of the Week has changed to Free Cell and this week's Olympics Event is Swimming.

The Mission of the Week has now changed. Earn 50% more MP completing levels of
Priscilla this week.

Voting has closed and a new Shop of the Week has been decided. For the next 7 days, the
Trading Cards shop has a 2 for 1 sale. Every time you buy an item from this shop you will pay for one and receive two. Vote Now for next week.

All pets wearing a Recycled Costume will receive Double Training stats this week at the Gym and Elite Gym. Vote Now for next week. All pets wearing a Seasonal Costume will receive Double Education stats this week at the School and University. Vote Now for next week.

15th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
The Gingerbread Costume was first released in December 2008 in Account Upgrades and the costume has been retired and forgotten about ever since. We have updated the costume and a new version of the Gingerbread Account Upgrade has been released, with 7 new Gingerbread themed items and either a Gingerbread coloured Kujo or Xoi Enchanted Plushie. This AU will retire January 31st.

The Equilor, Huthiq, Kujo, Poera, Pucu, Reese, Sindi and Vixen can all now wear the Gingerbread Costume.

The original Gingerbread pets have been updated to match the new style. We hope you like the changes!

14th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
The Equilor, Gizmo, Gobble, Leido and Zetlian can now wear the Snow Costume. This means that all 76 pets can now wear this costume. We have also updated 7 older Snow pets to match the new style!

14th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
A new Weekly Quest Contest has just started. This week's quest game is Desert Spy. The challenge is to complete as many of these Quests this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Simerian Costume, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: misty7943, pout, Starlite5430
Silver: La, CanOfSloths, Inspirit94, elleeTeea, slipknotfan4ever, lilyangels17
Bronze: Jordan, Blankshooter, sherrylynn68, Bitten, deadpoolio, MyraMeliodus, deek21, harleygirl281, notyou2

A new Ugly Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Christmas Decoration. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Sour Candy theme:

13th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
The Capsule Machine has been refilled with new seasonal items for Elfember

13th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Queen Eleka also gives you a FREE Loyalty Raffle Ticket every day that you visit us for this Weekly Raffle. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. Winners are announced every Wednesday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£25 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by FNAFLicious

Won by Mandys

Two Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Won by Mr

A new Weekly Item Contest has just started. This week's item is Red Pen. The challenge is to delete as many of this item as you can this week. You will earn 1 Point in the contest and 1 Memory Point for every Red Pen deleted. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Snixie Easter Egg, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : nysomind, Root, avrilla
Silver : Cleola, aurachimera, EmilyHuth5, Caitlyn, nickie415, SpirouTheDragon
Bronze : xintilla, Mccandles, Bix, Zol, glitterboots, vampiregirl29, amelibrooks, Brad, dreamlover11359

12th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 17 days ago
S E C R E T       S A N T A

Santa now has 25 new Christmas Presents to give out from his Secret Santa Event. Complete any Secret Santa Quest and a random player online will be sent a Christmas Present item from you. If he is feeling more generous, you will also receive a Christmas Present! Remember, this event ends December 25th. Open one of these new Christmas Presents and you will win one of these 16 new prizes. If you wait until December 24th or 25th to open them, you will win double prizes!

12th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 17 days ago
A new Weekly Battle Contest has just started. This week's opponent is Blitzen. You will need to have a Blitzen Trading Card in your Battle Deck. The challenge is to win as many battles against this opponent this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Swondor Trading Card, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: JgBcGirl, Jingle, Samakal
Silver: MoonbeamRyder, Janet, _Dee_, shizuhu, ImColdHearted, DragonLady1
Bronze: dreamlover11359, tripoddd, mymysweetiepie, nicecat2, tvampyer, Kimbo, Bean, ellen44dugas, Alcyone

A new Beauty Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Gifted Angel. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Sweet Candy theme:

11th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 17 days ago
A new feature has been released in Biala Mountain. Scrooge used to live in the City of Marada running his own MP lending business. He was a cold-hearted, greedy person who despised Christmas. One night he was visited by a ghost from Undying Woods warning him of his fate if he continued hoarding his wealth and exploiting the poor of Marada. He now lives in Biala Mountain - where everyday is Christmas - and gives away his wealth to the Pot of Gold at random throughout the year.

You can pick up any item Scrooge donates to the Pot of Gold once every 2 hours. There are 15 new Scrooge prizes that he may also donate. Items he donates will be clearly marked at the Pot of Gold and you can visit Scrooge in Biala Mountain to see the most recent items other players have picked up from him. He donates items at random throughout the day all year round. If you are really lucky, you may even find a retired item!

10th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
The Elite Gym and Gym has just started DOUBLE STATS TRAINING until December 25th for all pets wearing Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Gingerbread, Ice, Polar, Seasonal, Snow, Tundra or Winter Costumes.

A new set of limited edition Christmas items are now on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. They will all automatically retire December 31st.

10th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
C A R O L     S I N G I N G
Our Christmas Carol Singing Event has just started. It will end automatically December 31st. Everyone can take part for FREE! You can visit the profile of any player that is currently online, hit the 'Sing Carols' button and you may receive a prize. You can only visit each person once per day and you will receive MP or an item. All of these item prizes will retire at the end of this event too!

If your character is wearing an approved Christmas Costume you are guaranteed an item or MP prize at every visit. Players without the costume can still take part, but on average only a quarter of all visits will receive any kind of prize. This means that players with an approved costume will win 4 times more prizes!

The approved list of Christmas Character Costumes that will work for this event are as follows:

Advent Tree Costume, Angelic Costume, Archangel Costume, Blitzen Justin Onesie, Candycane Costume, Christmas Cake Costume, Christmas Day Costume, Christmas Night Costume, Christmas Onesie, Christmas Pudding Costume, Christmas Reindeer Costume, Devious Elf Costume, Drummer Girl Costume, Elfember Costume, Frosty Tree Costume, Gift Wrapped Costume, Gingerbread Lady Costume, Gingerbread Man Costume, Hamster Onesie, Holly Costume, Jack Frost Costume, Jacqueline Frost Costume, Krampus Costume, Mistletoe Costume, Mrs Claus Costume, Ms Scrooge Costume, Nisse Costume, Polar Bear Costume, Present Costume, Reindeer Costume, Santa Claus Costume, Santa Claws Costume, Santa Elf Costume, Scrooge Costume, Stocking Costume, Toy Sindi Onesie, Tree Costume, Tree Uniform Costume, Vixen Costume, Winter King Costume, Winter Kujo Onesie, Winter Queen Costume, Yeti Costume

10th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
The Lottery has been drawn for this week. ImColdHearted is the winner of the 918,200MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 2, 11, 12, 18, 35 and 49. Congratulations!

Last Week's Raffle has now ended. Dianne is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 36014. Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

The Game of the Week has changed to 21 Blitz and this week's Olympics Event is Swimming.

The Mission of the Week has now changed. Earn 50% more MP completing levels of
Greedy Gertrude this week.

Voting has closed and a new Shop of the Week has been decided. For the next 7 days, the
Books shop has a 2 for 1 sale. Every time you buy an item from this shop you will pay for one and receive two. Vote Now for next week.

All pets wearing a Grey Costume will receive Double Training stats this week at the Gym and Elite Gym. Vote Now for next week. All pets wearing a Red Costume will receive Double Education stats this week at the School and University. Vote Now for next week.

9th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
The Christmas Tree feature in Biala Mountain has had many changes. The artwork has been updated and you can still only visit once per day. The chances of winning a Christmas Cracker prize has been increased and the chances of 'Nothing Happened' being a prize has been decreased You can also now win MP from the Christmas Tree and if you visit during the month of December, there is a chance of winning a Capsule Machine Coin!

There are now 306 Christmas Crackers to be won from the Christmas Tree. These are all now toys that you pet can play with but as they pull the cracker, it will break and a prize will be won. We have also added 20 new prizes inside these Christmas Crackers for you to find!

8th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
Santa Claws has stopped his normal Quests until January 1st. Instead of rewarding you MP for completing his quest, he will instead give you one entry to his New Years Raffle. The more quests you complete, the more entries you will have. The New Years Raffle will be announced late January.

There will be 100 winners of 1,000,000MP, 3 winners of £25 Account Upgrades Credit, 10 winners of £10 Account Upgrades Credit and 25 winners of £5 Account Upgrades Credit.

There will also be 2 prizes of each of these costumes : Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Ice, Polar, Tundra and Winter. Hundreds of new, bonus items will also be won!

7th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
Elfember is the season for giving but not every Marapet may deserve to be rewarded. Krampus is back and will be here until January 1st.

High above Biala, in the cold and frozen mountain ranges, lurks the Krampus. Leering down upon the village, he waits every year for his chance to kidnap naughty Marapets! He watches pets all year, keeping a list of the naughty and the nice. As Christmas draws closer and closer, the Krampus reveals himself in the month of December. He offers gifts to especially well behaved Marapets. If you're feeling brave, you can ask him for gifts for your pets. If your pet has been naughty, he might just punish them...

Pets wearing an Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Gingerbread, Ice, Polar, Seasonal, Snow, Snowman, Tundra or Winter Costume can visit Krampus every 15 minutes. All other pets can visit every 30 minutes.

7th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
A new Weekly Quest Contest has just started. This week's quest game is Secret Santa. The challenge is to complete as many of these Quests this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Killer Costume, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : waterlogged, Catherine, Susi
Silver : AbsolutNormal, Mandyg48, GutterxFlower, Sweetdemonicangel, Teacup, Bells
Bronze : tam33, Jingle, Stea, Tarzana, becacat, Wotcher, Foxbody, DragonLady1, ReneV74

A new Ugly Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Sour Candy. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Ugly Sweater theme:


6th December 2017
7 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
The 2017 Advent Tree prizes have now been released. We have also revamped the artwork for the Advent Tree. If you have completed the full set of Advent Tree Instructions, you can now visit the Advent Tree in Biala Mountain to claim your prizes. There are 15 new items to be claimed and this year you will receive 3 of each item! The 2016 prizes are no longer available and have been retired.