The Basil, Mordo and Sybri can now wear the Monster Costume.
Watch out for Trojan on the Explore forum this week, apparently he is turning random pets into monsters or aliens for free!
The chances of your pet turning into an Alien or Monster pet have been increased at the Operations Portal and Whirlpool for the remainder of the Alien Invasion event.
This new Trojan Supporter Shirt has been added to Trojan's prize list.
The Biala Mountain map has been revamped. We hope you like the changes!
- The Lottery has been drawn for this week. hannha6785 is the winner of the 72,600MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 1, 4, 16, 23, 24 and 2! Congratulations!
- Last Week's Raffle has now ended. Luvmeluvr is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 840! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
- The Game of the Week has now changed to Football.
- This week's Olympic Event is Hurdles.
Marapets is now officially on Twitter. Follow @MarapetsTeam for the latest news, gossip, sneak previews and FREE items. We have started off with a brand new Vault Code.
Follow Tweetly, our social media Osafo who will keep you conneted with us!
Thank you for your patience today as we performed a massive Server Upgrade. You should notice us loading much, much faster now! If you notice any errors, bugs or mistakes around the site, please post them on the Errors & Bugs Forum.
The Marapets home page has been updated. The previous home page was released in 2007 - it was SEVEN YEARS OLD!!! We hope you like the much needed changes!
We have a new Site Layout
The Marapets 10th Birthday celebration has begun! Look forward to a whole month of special events, surprises and prizes to celebrate us being around for a DECADE - starting with a brand new site layout!!
Please be patient with us over the next couple of days while will adjust and tweak it to perfection.
Something special is happening today
One Month today until our... 10th Birthday!!
Marapets officially opened August 15th 2004. This time next month we will be a DECADE old! We have a lot of suprises for you over the next month and would like to start off with a throwback to 2004...
This is how Marapets and Marada looked when we first opened...
And this was our first new layout change, at the end of 2004...
- The Lottery has been drawn for this week. Uthenia is the winner of the 43,000MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 20, 9, 15, 12, 4 and 17! Congratulations!
- Last Week's Raffle has now ended. destinyrosebloodx is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 1843! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
- The Game of the Week has now changed to Klondike Solitaire.
- This week's Olympic Event is Running.
- The Lottery has been drawn for this week. tepin is the winner of the 34,900MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 13, 15, 16, 4, 7 and 19! Congratulations!
- Last Week's Raffle has now ended. WestlifesNo1Fan is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 2867! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!
- The Game of the Week has now changed to Candy Cannon.
- This week's Olympic Event is Swimming.