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21:51:35 MST
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Welcome to my Newthy gallery, ! & other treasures.

Newth collection began: 9.01.2013
As of 1.04.2019, most of my newth collection has been moved to my attic. Now, there's just about one page of it left. The rest of it is other treasures I've collected along the way.

Some items starting treasure chests on Page 2 may be sold; feel free to inquire.

Special thanks for donating:
angiemae, bassgirlginger, Anthony1977, Ariel, Bread, CaptainE0, Cleola, destinyrosebloodx, doeydoea, Emily2583, Firefly, Gold, HellzBelle, KittyM15, koborikun, lololie, Maureen, MrPeaboddis, natskiddo, Ono, Queen, Ray, Rue, Soldier, Sylph, waffleflinger, shan4408, sunlightfaze

Note: Will lend for missions as long as items are replaced responsibly.

If you add the Gallery Giftbox to your collection, your gallery will be able to hold double items - for life! Hold 25 items instead of 25!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect