This is where I keep all my goodies from flash games and events.
rows 2-5 are not for sale or trade. I will be using those makers + costumes ♥
Pgs 1-2 ~clothing
Pgs 2-3 ~minipets, potions, plushies
Pgs 4-5 ~food & drink
Pg 5 ~pumpkins
Pg 6 ~easter eggs, pearls & gumballs
Pg 7 ~learnies
Pg 8 ~glowing eggs, balloons, candles, presents & party bags,
Pg 9 ~dukka coins, costumes, jellies, stamps, toys
Pg 10 ~toys, mugs, weapons, photos, trading cards
I am usually willing to swap, sell, or trade items for wardrobe items, pearls (clam), or really anything I don't have, MT/MM me ^.^