?????????Akward dinner moment?????????

17 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
25th Jan 2008 19:57S-sister
SB2-step brother2
M-Ninja turtle
M-SB1 gets crack from the ninja turtles.
{M,S,and SB1 all laugh}
SS-What the crap are yall' talking about.
SB2-Yeah,what are you talking about.
M-One day we were in my dads truck waiting for him to come back from the store and SB1 asked what dad was doing,since we were waiting for him for so long.S said that he was getting crack for SS1 and I said that he was getting it from the ninja turtles.Then SS1 said that he really believed in the teenage mutant ninja turtles.Then we all cracked up.
SB2-*laughs to copy SS to be annoying*
SS-*Slaps SB2*
Thats our average dinner