fates mission
17 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
18th Jan 2008 19:03fates mission
#1 lati voodoo doll
#2 Renet Voodoo doll- 100mp
#3 Paffuto Voodoo doll and Ushunda voodoo doll - The fates t-shirt
#4 Rofling Voodoo Doll - 250 mp
#5 Viotto Voodoo Doll - 350 mp
#6 Oglue Voodoo Doll and zetlian Voodoo doll - 500mp
#7 feliz voodoo doll and azul voodoo doll - 600mp
#8 Mordo voodoo doll - Atropos plushie
#9 Gonk voodoo doll - 750mp
#10 Huthig Voodoo doll- 850mp
#11 Green Grint Foot - 1000mp
#12 Tail of Blue Poera - poisonous tunes
#13 Tail of Blue Poera- 1100mp
#14 Horn of black jessup -1200mp
#15 green grint foot - 1300 mp
#16 Tail of a halloween fasoro -1500mp
#17 Wing of radio active doyal - plushie
#18 horn of black jessup -2500mp