Woot woot! Got Enchanted Yellow Sindi Plushie from Plushie Machine 1/7/2008.... --------------- Mmm,ok...Now Crimson_Ghost is pirate...Wow! My pets (all but Zerainia & Ziazelo) were all created and named by me...I made each of them what they are and they are NOT FOR TRADE...Even if your pets are "better"....I am completely, 100% happy with each of my pets name, species, and costume...So really, they aren't going anywhere...My pets are mine...That's kinda the point...
ldkjafisdjfalks BUBBLES! If this is you, buddy gal, and this happens to send an alert to your damned e-mail you need to e-mail me! Damn it! I can't find you ANYWHERE. Upgrade to myspace at least >:| - Leslie