Juxt Loves Rat Tails
17 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
9th Nov 2007 13:27In August I got a new little rat, Stripes. She is the MOST demanding rat I have ever met LOL
My rats spend all the time I am home with them at the computer desk with me, it's set up for them to be there. But when Stripes wants attention she will jump onto my lap and climb up my chest and shove her nose in my ear and sniff loudly until I give her the attention she wants.
I love my rats so much, pic link below:
Stripes on left, Imalia on right
Stripes, isn't she adorable
Imalia showing off her back for a treat from me.
Blurry but still cute
Stripes side view
Imalia in wood house, holding on to camera stap
Stripes, equally entranced by the camera strap, isn't she naughtily cute.