I do not own this, more's the pity...

17 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
6th Nov 2007 10:30Am going to do something with this later, but for the meantime, I will just leave it here and highlight how brilliant it is...
The Secret Police came for them the next day. they had been given baisic food and water, suffered the embarassment of having to use the cell toilet in each other's presence, and passed a strange night. There was only one bed, and Rail let Moa take it while he tried to sleep on the floor, but after some time she had invited him to share the bed with her. They lay together in each other's arms, and Moa, exhausted, had fallen instantly asleep; but Rail was kept awake by the warmth of her body, the feel of her bony frame and the faint pressure of her breath against his throat. How casual she could be sometimes, not knowing what she was doing to him by letting him hold her this way.
He had lost all hope. He had accepted defeat. But now she reminded him of something he had all but forgotten these past days: that he had one thing worth clinging to and fighting for, and she lay in his arm that night.