Staff- I will be using marapets through my phone and laptop and tend to play on my phone whilst I am out and about
Pets- NFT unless I put them in trades
Gallery- Not for sale, but keep a look out on my forums might have some items in there for sale
Friends- Sure
Mara talk- Sure Maramail- Sure but NO spam/ asking for votes
You won Fake Nine Dukka Coin You won Fake Five Dukka Coin You won Two Dukka Coin You won Two Dukka Coin You won Three Dukka Coin You won Fake Four Dukka Coin You won Fake Four Dukka Coin You won Two Dukka Coin
You won Fake Two Dukka CoiN
18 years, 1 month & 20 days ago 20th Jan 2017 03:35