ATM May Planning

19 days, 17 hrs & 32 mins ago
21st Feb 2025 09:05QUIZZES AND RAFFLES: socks, boosters, trading cards, flowers, Labyrinth items -- corrupt codes, charms, magnets, hostage ransoms, venom, voodoo dolls, eclipse items, expensive stars (Columba, Lyra, Apus, Scorpius), starry items, bee items
5/3 National Space Day
5/4 Star Wars Day: May the 4th be with you
5/9 Lost Sock Awareness Day
5/11 Mother's Day - U.S., Australia, & Canada
5/20 World Bee Day
5/25 Battle Booster
Schedule another scavenger hunt
Maybe a Shusan Quest Contest to coincide with lost sock awareness day
5/12 is National Limerick Day - maybe a limerick event?
Limerick Poems and How to Write Them