*AKA Summergirlie/Jamrock/CropDust* Always willing to swap any item(s) in my shop/trades for equal value learnies/gourmet food that BettyJune is missing. Will also swap for most missing collection items. Feel free to maramail me anytime as I try to check daily.
Hello ! Thank you for reading this blog and allowing me to assist you with your avatar collection.
Before getting into the items / pets / minipets that I have available to lend, please read through the following rules to ensure this lending process goes smoothly.
● Tips are not required, but I do accept and appreciate plate(s), photo(s), or other non-currency tips if you feel like tipping.
● For protection of the pets, items, and minipets that I have worked very hard to collect: if you wish to borrow any item(s) / minipet(s), please send me a maramail stating which item / minipet you'd like to borrow, that you understand you are only borrowing the item / minipet, and that you will send the item / minipet back to me within the 5-10 minute time-frame or asap for the "random when making a plate" minipets. Additionally, if you are borrowing a gourmet minipet and / or toy, please include in the maramail that you understand that if your pet eats the gourmet minipet / breaks the toy without a carpenter toy fix, that you will replace the minipet / toy.
***If you are borrowing a gourmet minipet from me to make a plate, please make sure that you're only attaching the minipet to your pet NOT eating it. If you accidentally feed the borrowed gourmet minipet to your pet, I will require you to replace the minipet.***
***If you are borrowing a toy from me that your pet must play with and break, please make sure that you have a toy fix available from the carpenter. If you do not, and the borrowed toy permanently breaks, I will require you to replace the toy.***
Thank you so much for understanding!
Also, here is a copy/paste from the rules page of the site for reference: "Pets may be loaned (for avatars etc) for a tip. By this we mean a small item, a photo, plate or a diamond is an acceptable tip, not currencies. If you wish to use the 48-hour account protection to claim back a pet that was stolen while lending you must have Maramails to prove that the person borrowing the pet knew it was a loan and agreed beforehand to return the pet to you by a certain date/time.
You should keep the Maramail from the borrower until your pet/item/points have been returned. If the borrower does not return the pet/item/points by the agreed time you can contact staff by Support Ticket to recover the pet/item/points."
Now that all of that is out of the way, here is a list of all the pets / minipets / items that I can lend
JamrockIsland - the arcade decadal has glitch mini attached. Her fees are 156,960MP through pet lending