Current Pet Goals Part 2
1 year, 4 months & 8 days ago
12th Oct 2023 01:48Oozie - Slime Kronk *need Kronk and costume *have Kronk need costume *COMPLETED
Saoterus - ?? Justin *need Justin and one of the following Cartoon or Cursed costume
Skosh - Gnome Figaro *have Figaro need costume *COMPLETED
Snorch - Enpiah Dakota *have dakota need costume *COMPLETED
Smurky - Autumn Gobble *need costume *COMPLETED
Theophilus - Valentine Vixen *need Vixen and costume *COMPLETED
Tricksily - ? ? *MAYBE Cursed Sindi *need Sindi have costume
Umberlee - Undying Fairy Nino *need Nino and costume *COMPLETED
Wynken - Cartoon Astro *have astro need costume