Ads: Come to the Magical Market for cheap prices and cool items! I have 5 pets and will be getting my 6th today! My pets are very happy My pets are gonna go to school today either they like it or not My pets will also go to the gym too My poor pets have so much to do Featured Player: Magicalfoxperson Featured pet: Crimsonwaves the red fasoro Tip of the day: Check in at the pound and you may find a pet up for adoption! I got 2 more pets yesterday from doing that!
Get Involved Ask me via Maramail if you want an ad for a friend or your shop/auction on tomorrow's news here unless there are less than 3 ads, then you can do it tomorrow or today If you have any tips you want me to share, you can send it to me Via maramail and I'll put it on tommorrow's news here If you want, I can feature a friend or your pet on here by saying their name and giving a link to the pet if you request it via maramail If you ask me via maramail, I can put some news you write on the maramail and you get on the credits in the production area. If you want, you can put the emojis you want for it or I'll put the emojis on based on how it makes me feel If you want, you can ask me Via Maramail to either be the Featured player tomorrow or ask for a friend to be the Featured Player If no one asks to get involved, it will either be me or no one based off of a coin flip(Heads= Me, Tails= no one)
Credits Ad- Magicalfoxperson Tip of the day- Magicalfoxperson Production- Magicalfoxperson Featured player recommendation from Magicalfoxperson