Welcome to my profile! I'm Shasha and Definatly will always be looking for friends. My goal is to collect all the minipets 1 day. So all my pets have a job. HEre they are
Yumlicious - Minipet collecter
LittleKatty - Gourument eater
DonCheadle - Toy player
My_Ruby_Rose - Battle Pet
LovelyPines - cds listener
Winki - Dvd listenr
enerlatgical - magazine reader
gwjibsfyuwgriscfwi - instrument learner
rpw62m - university leanrner
shara2021 - sports player
t574i90oe31 - chrisma stats
uuuu46u - spell learner
Would appreciate helps to!
Found them. Thank you to the creator.
1. [img]https://i.imgur.com/sEjLGvF.gif[/img]
2. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/531596129477984336/536019343742468108/ca6945f5-1936-11e9-9faa-09a094edd5a8_2.gif[/img]
3. [img]https://i.imgur.com/SiPNx66.png[/img]
4. [img]https://piskel-imgstore-b.appspot.com/img/87e99847-7782-11e9-8ecd-bd83c49e18d4.gif[/img]