ᓚᘏᗢIn loving memory of my beloved cats who crossed the Rainbow Bridge ᓚᘏᗢ: R = Rescue
Bella Rena 10-31-2009 to 10-17-2024
Onyx R 6-10-24 to 7-25-24
Diamond R 6-10-24 to 7-16-24 (killed by violent hail storm)
Zircon R 6-10-24 to 7-10-24 (stolen by raccoons)
Elliot George 3-29-2010 to 6-23-2024 (heart failure)
Naomi R ? -2008 to 4-18-2024 (cancer)
Mocha 9-10-2023 to 4-4-2024 (uk)
Arrow 1-3-2024 to 2-27-2024 (uk)
Magic 5-5-2022 to 8-11-2023 (uk)
Scooby-Doo (the dog, AKA the ugly cat) 2-23-2023 (cancer)
JT-Bootsy 6-20-2009 to 1-16-2023 (system failure)
Rowdy Leroy 8-2-2022 (cancer)
Pumpkin-Baily 10-31-2010 to 11-8-2022 (heart failure)
Mr. Greyson (Jasper) 8-13-2011 to 8-10-2021 (system failure)
Boo-Boo 6-20-2009 to 5-4-2021 (cancer)
Buffy 6-20-2009 to 8-2-2018 (heart failure)
Bandit 4-10-2005 to 2-24-2018 (system failure)
Missy R ? 2008 to 1-9-2018 (system failure)
Baby R ? 1999 to 2015 (system failure)
Willow R ? 2010 to 5-23-2011 (stolen by looters after tornado)
In loving memory of mom
June 2, 1934 - January 17, 2020 (system failure)
and dad
July 17, 1929 - June 7, 2007 (heart failure)
Gothabilly Dress
Hanging Icicles
Snowy Waves Wig
Chinese Lanterns
101 Azuls
Summer Book
Dukka Coins
Party Hat Stamp
Sudoku Stamp
Sheet Music Stamp
Chain Stamp
Petals Stamp
Easter Basket Stamp
Winter Evening Stamp
School Stamp
Games Arcade Stamp