Yearly stats
5 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
1st Jan 2020 23:261/1/2020
You have completed a total of 153359 Quests
Mordo has collected 4,931 of 6,784 Photos
You have collected 5,200 of 5,337 Wardrobe items
Mordo has collected 2,253 of 3,349 Plushies
Maratalk 63240
Forum Posts 33120
Aquarium - 2,982
Borak's Brew - 483
Candy Tree - 646
Carpenter - 3996
Computer Repair - 573
Cosmonaut - 2496
Desert Spy - 4629
Drew - 1878
Eleka Prison - 180
Farming - 9584
Garage - 538
Haunted House - 4861
Hump Racing - 308
Kamilah Traveller - 3390
Knutt House - 598
Knutt Knight - 15597
Leprechaun -6043
Microwave - 415
Personal Trainer - 279
Queen Bee - 824
Robot Repair - 6010
Santa Claws - 1298
Secret Santa - 1669
Sewer Monster - 919
Simerian Excavator - 7936
Simerian Explorer - 11593
Slater Stalker - 4288
Snowman - 7963
Sumo Sally - 25274
Talon - 17599
Travis Truck - 307
2653 Health
1792 Level
3259 Magic
2651 Strength
2660 Defence
2651 Speed
2626 Balance
2629 Coordination
2632 Stamina
1246 Charisma
52 Business Studies
52 Computer Science
53 Environmental
52 Humanities
51 Law
51 Molecular Science
52 Politics
52 Sociology
496 Art
496 Geography
497 History
496 Language
500 Maths
495 Music
495 Science
495 Sports
Lindsey has eaten 6144 Gourmet Foods
Lindsey has played with 6014 items
You have completed a total of 165,948 Quests +12589
Mordo has collected 5599 of 6,784 Photos + 668
You have collected 5622 of 5,337 Wardrobe items +422
Mordo has collected 2635 of 3,349 Plushies + 382
Maratalk 75094 + 15854
Forum Posts 37356 + 4236
Aquarium - 3392 +410
Borak's Brew - 954 +471
Candy Tree - 682 +36
Carpenter - 5250 +1254
Computer Repair - 607 +34
Cosmonaut - 3023 +527
Desert Spy - 4864 +235
Drew - 3417 +1538
Eleka Prison - 282 +102
Farming - 10122 +538
Garage - 587 +49
Haunted House - 5742 +881
Hump Racing - 374 +66
Kamilah Traveller - 3499 +109
Knutt House - 732 +134
Knutt Knight - 15721 +124
Leprechaun -6605 +562
Microwave - 443 +28
Personal Trainer - 569 +290
Queen Bee - 869 +45
Robot Repair - 6136 +126
Santa Claws - 1381 +83
Secret Santa - 2330 +661
Sewer Monster - 974 +55
Simerian Excavator - 8179 +243
Simerian Explorer - 11829 +236
Slater Stalker - 4749 +461
Snowman - 8253 +290
Sumo Sally - 26247 +973
Talon - 18494 +895
Travis Truck - 690 +303
3170 Health +517
2236 Level +444
3934 Magic +675
3163 Strength +512
3169 Defence +509
3159 Speed +508
2942 Balance +316
2943 Coordination +314
2946 Stamina +314
1736 Charisma +490
66 Business Studies +14
67 Computer Science +15
66 Environmental +13
66 Humanities +14
66 Law +15
67 Molecular Science +16
70 Politics +18
67 Sociology +15
614 Art +118
598 Geography +102
622 History + 125
599 Language + 103
595 Maths +95
605 Music +110
598 Science +103
595 Sports +100
Lindsey has eaten 7146 Gourmet Foods +1002
Lindsey has played with 6808 items +790
Lindsey has had 2,893 Transformations
You have completed a total of 177,334 Quests +11386
Mordo has collected Mordo has collected 6,292 photos + 693
You have collected 5835 Wardrobe items + 213
Mordo has collected 2808 Plushies + 173
Maratalk 78270 + 3176
Forum Posts 39628 + 2272
Aquarium - 3532 + 140
Borak's Brew - 996 + 42
Candy Tree - 716 +34
Carpenter - 5753 +503
Computer Repair - 633 +26
Cosmonaut - 3117 +94
Desert Spy - 5046 +182
Drew - 4006 +589
Eleka Prison - 334 +52
Farming - 12600 +2478
Garage - 609 +22
Haunted House - 6437 +695
Hump Racing - 399 + 25
Kamilah Traveller - 3529 +30
Knutt House - 782 +50
Knutt Knight - 16215 + 494
Leprechaun -6953 + 348
Microwave - 460 + 17
Personal Trainer - 630 + 61
Queen Bee - 894 +25
Robot Repair - 6261 +125
Santa Claws - 1459 +78
Secret Santa - 2364 +34
Sewer Monster - 1001 +27
Simerian Excavator - 8503 +324
Simerian Explorer - 11924 +113
Slater Stalker - 4847 +108
Snowman - 9539 +1286
Sumo Sally - 27844 +1597
Talon - 19277 +783
Travis Truck - 709 +19
3670 Health +500
2623 Level +387
4519 Magic +585
3672 Strength +509
3681 Defence +512
3667Speed +508
3175 Balance +233
3178 Coordination +235
3178 Stamina +232
2172 Charisma +436
81 Business Studies +15
81 Computer Science +14
81 Environmental +15
81 Humanities +15
83 Law +17
83 Molecular Science +16
83 Politics +13
81 Sociology +14
681 Art +67
679 Geography +91
692 History + 70
680 Language + 81
585 Maths +90
680 Music +75
587 Science +89
590 Sports +95
Lindsey has eaten 7885 Gourmet Foods +739
Lindsey has played with 7389 items +581
Lindsey has had 3408 Transformations + 515
You have completed a total of 183,901 Quests +6567
Mordo has collected Mordo has collected 6,555 photos + 263
You have collected 6066 Wardrobe items + 231
Mordo has collected 2959 Plushies + 151
Maratalk 80365 + 2095
Forum Posts 41391 + 1763
Aquarium - 3549 + 17
Borak's Brew - 998+ 2
Candy Tree - 729 +13
Carpenter - 6355 +602
Computer Repair - 633 +0
Cosmonaut - 3172 +55
Desert Spy - 5053 +8
Drew - 4800 +794
Eleka Prison - 337 +3
Farming - 13003 +403
Garage - 609 +0
Haunted House - 6779 +342
Hump Racing - 400 + 1
Kamilah Traveller - 3529 +0
Knutt House - 789 +7
Knutt Knight - 16294+ 79
Leprechaun -6973 + 20
Microwave - 537 + 77
Personal Trainer - 645 + 15
Queen Bee - 894 +0
Robot Repair - 6295 +34
Santa Claws - 1521 +62
Secret Santa - 2394 +30
Sewer Monster - 1001 +0
Simerian Excavator - 8767 +264
Simerian Explorer - 12122 +198
Slater Stalker - 5047 +200
Snowman - 10778 +1239
Sumo Sally - 28878 +1034
Talon - 20362 +1085
Travis Truck - 710 +1
4064 Health +394
2904 Level +291
5004 Magic +485
4065 Strength +393
4066 Defence +385
4067 Speed +400
3381 Balance +206
3379 Coordination +201
3375 Stamina +197
2513 Charisma +341
97 Business Studies +16
96 Computer Science +15
97 Environmental +16
96 Humanities +15
97 Law +14
99 Molecular Science +16
96 Politics +13
93 Sociology +15
753 Art +72
753 Geography +74
753 History + 61
757 Language + 77
753 Maths +168
753 Music +73
753 Science +166
557 Sports +167
Lindsey has eaten 8675 Gourmet Foods +790
Lindsey has played with 7798 items +409
Lindsey has had 3650 Transformations + 242