- I love these!!! Such an unconventional style but such interesting dolls! The Alice one, I felt, could've used a bit more to it. I just feel like there was so much more empty space that could've been filled to add to the "insanity" of the character you're portraying. The colors of your swimsuit entry were AMAZING! I love how the blue hair blends with the other watery parts of the doll, and the skin tone is NOT one of the colors you've used in the background. And your formal doll, while simple, is extremely adorable! My only critique is the formal doll's skin color. I feel a gray or an off-white would've been a tad more fitting than the green! These are amazing, though! Great work!!!
- These looks work well but I can’t help but wish the final two had a bit more added scenery/backgrounds to make them really pop?
- Wow, the layering and color choices are great! I love how expressive the faces are, but they are really intense and I'm not sure if they suit the dolls overall... Great job!