Happy Saint Patty's Day
6 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
17th Mar 2018 09:33The Leprechaun and I
are just getting started.
May the Luck of the Irish
be you !!!!
Shamrock Plushie X
Patrick X
Rainbow Mobile X
Lucky Pants X
Lucky Vest X
Lucky Jacket X
Glitter Boots X
Lucky Horseshoe X
Mushroom Garden X
Rain Storm X
Curious Contact Lenses x
Lightning Storm X
Clovers X
Charmer Summoning Stone X
Lucky Tunes X
Shamrock Shake X
Rainbow Donut X
Behind the Rainbow X
End of the Rainbow Stamp X
St Patricks Day Cupcake X
Rainbow Sweater
Lucky Curls Wig
Pot of Gold Pearl
Well it looks as though I will be spending MP
Event items again.
This happens with every events so I shouldn't
be too surprised.