Changing minipet colours
6 years & 4 months ago
20th Oct 2018 06:15Bug, Organic and Robot minipets do not have other colours, therefore cannot use balls of yarn nor fasoro falls.
DNA minipets cannot use balls of yarn, but can change colour at fasoro falls.
Fish minipets cannot use balls of yarn, nor fasoro falls. Their alternative colours can only be gained through the Fishing game.
Gourmet and wild minipets cannot change through fasoro falls but balls of yarn can change them to an alternative colour.
Undying minipets cannot use balls of yarn, nor fasoro falls. Their alternative colours can only be gained by using the different coloured bones and the matching blood colour. Blood can be won from Anagram Sam or Mill as a daily raffle prize; pink blood bought from Rapunzel; white through loyalty prizes, and also from account upgrades shop.
Normal minipets can use balls of yarn and fasoro falls with no limitations. The one exception is that you cannot gain any of the fat minipets through using the falls. Only the yarn works to create these pets.