I really want to do the battle arena a lot. But training Marapets can be hard. I can go to the gym, but that takes an hour, and it costs crystals. To get crystals, you can do Haunted House quests, but those can get pricey and you may not get the right crystal. Buying crystals is also pricey. Does anyone know a quick and easy way to raise health, defense, and attack stats? If so, let me know!
Thanks for the help!
15 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 18th Jan 2020 05:53
The gym is honestly your best bet! It takes a while but you'll get there.
And, while it's raining on Mara, it's double stats!
15 years, 1 month & 13 days ago 12th Jan 2020 15:39