Fallsing reminder

6 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
17th Aug 2018 15:43For Temple of Transumption (temple5.php) Fallsing -
current level needs:
Pink Bolint (attic)
Pink Huxen (attic)
Red Yakuow (currently Blue)
MoonlitDreamer has mini attached -
Cimino has Yakuow mini attached -
CelestialNight has mini attached -
Kaletya has mini attached -
Zemwald has mini attached -
currently being fallsed to obtain required colours
Demeaned - Blue Bolisoro, Purple Grinow
Jasea - Black Gummi
Kaletya - White Azubi
Kastelan - Blue Kidala
Madelein - Blue Grinow, Orange Flonk
MoonlitDreamer - Grey Snoodi, Red Zetlee
Pyrate - Blue Lorulf, Blue Viola
Snowballers - Grey Quibs
Zaomi - Yellow Chutt
Zemwald - Brown Leidunda, Grey Murfzul
44 + Bamboo Shoot + Flute = Bamboo Flute
51 + Drum + Knutt Stick = Drumsticks
36 + Brie + Be Mine Candy Heart = Brie Mine
60 + Yuni Horn + Fresh Glazed Strawberry Doughnut = Yunicorn Doughnut
9 + Ant + Jar of Mermaid Tail = Merant
54 + Half of a Pepperoni Pizza + Salty Bagel = Pizza Bagel
34 + Yellow Balloon + Fatty = Fatty Balloon
24 + Red Bean + Cooling Fan = Cool Beans Stamp
Taken from @SB blog.
Pink Striped Glow Worm + Arm Plaster Cast + 48 Seconds = Striped Arm Warmers
Polka Dot Baby Doll + Hoodie Scarf + 55 Seconds = Polka Dot Scarf
Taken from http://www.marasites.com/?name=Hallmark&page=microwave
spade shirt
galaxy bar