Staff: My sister, Xeroxia, my twin brother, Dougiee, my cousin, TheMongoliaTree, my friend, Ankkeyletta and I share or occasionally get on the same computers/internet/school computers and occasionally send each other stuff.
Need: 0/11 Nightmare Costumes 10/10 Extra Pet Giftboxes (4 AU) Restricted LE Makers (Decadal) Complete Unnecessary Perfection Instructions
Acquired Items: Ike Maker Sybri Maker Snookle Maker Raulf Maker
Pets I Already Have: Skreetchy the Nightmare Mordo Zeln the Halloween Ercuw Cieli the Baby Rofling The non-LEs are easy to acquire.
Big thanks to those who have helped so far, Xero for Raulf Maker, the Vixen, and Dracol the Yuni. unofficial, in talks of trade. Traded Collin for Cieli the Baby Rofling <3 Thabks Starrzz