Hey, I'm Faf! I'm a front-end web developer and a birdkeeper. I like pasta and stargazing. My timezone is MST -2.
On random friend requests: go ahead! I delete folks on my list who don't actually want to become my friend, though. On random trade offers: unless something was listed as tentative, please don't! This goes for item, pet, and currency trades. Check my blog if you want to see if I'm thinking of getting rid of a pet.
Item Trades Honestly, I don't find myself overly picky. Anything from my item wishlist (see previous blog entry: /blogs.php?entry=19&id=5511886) at a similar value is probably good.
Pet Trades Unfortunately, this is where things get narrowed quite a bit. I don't find myself rather picky about names other than tacky misspellings of real words, "ship" names (think "Sonamy" or "Destiel", not "Titanic" or "Lusitania".), or xXx_NAMES_LIEK_DIS_xXx. Really, what this boils down to is the pets' species and costumes (with a minor influence coming from stats and collections). I almost always prefer redone/recent costume art to old costume art.
TL;DR version: I like reptiles (including birds and dinosaurs), futuristic aesthetics, and cute things; names don't really matter; avoid edgy things or furries and we can probably strike a deal really quickly.
Species My favorites: [img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Bolimo_orange.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Crikey_orange.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Decadal_orange.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Gobble_orange.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Grint_orange.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Pucu_orange.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Vlad_orange.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/pets/Zetlian_orange.gif[/img] (Bolimo, Crikey, Decadal, Gobble, Grint, Pucu, Vlad, Zetlian)