The Guardian Angel
17 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
10th Oct 2007 12:16 God searched the earth and land he picked you a kind and gentle person.
He took your hand with his to the heavenly gates.
He knew you had for what it would take.
It is sad that you have passed away.
We will miss and mourn for you each and everyday.
You always wonder, why him or her, but god only knows that answer for sure.
As each day goes by, my guardian angel is by my side.
If things goes wrong that day.
Your guardian angel will make it right in everyway.
Your guardian angel watches over you, when you are awake or asleep.
Never a sound your guardian angel makes not even a peep.
The reason is clear why god took you away, not for spite or hate, as some people might say.
He appoints them guardian angels, for every person, everyday.
Someone's guardian angel is you, that god choose to take away.
We will miss you sadly, but I know your one person's guardian angel for each and everyday.
Never will you leave me.
For your a special guardian angel, indeed
By PetsRPeople2
Please Do Not Steal My Poem. It is memory of my father and the rest of my family that have passed on.
Thank You