♥My pets aren't for trade
♥My pets are available for lending
♥Go ahead and MM/MT if you like, I usually answer unless I'm AFK
♥Anything in my gallery after Pg5 I'll gladly sell or trade
♥Specifically after the White Chocolate Covered Strawberry on Pg5
♥I'll swap you whatever you need for temples if I have it on hand
♥If I don't answer you, I'm probably AFK and left the laptop on
♥I log in from my laptop and my phone.
♥I'm generally only on to chat and play games when I'm on mobile.
♥Love ya!
For starters, they go in the Never for trade category.
This morning, I logged onto Marapets to find a Maramail and two alerts...in my confusion, I checked the Maramail first.
A player whose name I won't say, let's call her S, I had seen around the forums a few times and whose pets I admired many times from afar, had Maramailed me. She had noticed I collect Quells and needed to rehome Nhova and Lueshi...she thought I'd enjoy them...
Needless to say, I didn't know from the MM what the pets were that S had sent me besides that they were Quells. So when I opened the first alert and saw Lueshi looking back at me, I darn nearly fell off my chair. When I checked the second alert and saw Nhova, I repeated the same nearly falling off my chair reaction, accompanied by a squeal.
...I replied to S's Mail, positively gushing with gratitude -I'm not even sure S was aware at the time she sent them over that Valentine and Neon Quells were the two Quell colors I wanted to add to my collection the most, and also the two I was furthest away from...
And now I am welcoming Lueshi the Neon Quell and Nhova the Valentine Quell as permanent members of my Quell army!
Thanks again, S!
Thanks everyone for your comments, I'm still smiling about this
19 years & 24 days ago 28th Jan 2016 10:01
wow grats, you deserve them very kind of that person!
19 years & 24 days ago 28th Jan 2016 05:34
That's great! Congrats! They're gorgeous pets, and I love the names. That was a very nice gesture of S. Glad they've got a great home now
19 years & 24 days ago 28th Jan 2016 05:07
This is awesome!! Congratulations! They are both amazing pets with amazing names. And it sounds like they have found a great home with you as well.
19 years & 25 days ago 28th Jan 2016 04:14
Congratulations on getting Nhova!~
I used to own him and he turned valentine from color concoctions that I used on him.
I gave him away in a huge pet giveaway in 2014. It's nice to see him with someone that really loves him as much as I did. ^__^
I still like him a lot, but I wanted a fresh start and to make new pets and so he was one of the pets that I decided to let go.