October 4, 2015: You found a Feather Female Costume !! [Img]http://images.marapets.com/items/female_feather.gif[/img]
October 5, 2015: ScreamforDreams won 753,692MP on 5th Oct 2015 02:42 PM when AnimeGirl247 knocked over the Sugar Stack [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/GiantSugarCube.png[/img] [img]http://images.marapets.com/events/mpgain.gif[/img]
October 7, 2015: SNAP! You won Blue DNA!! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/dna_blue.gif[/img]
October 8, 2015: You found a Gothabilly Female Costume!! SNAP! You won Blue DNA!! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/female_gothabilly.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/items/dna_blue.gif[/img]
October 9, 2015: You won Green DNA! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/dna_green.gif[/img]
Octover 11, 2015: You won a Digital Gumball [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/digital_gumball.png[/img]
October 12, 2015: Thank you for finishing my Quest on time. Here is your reward.. Earwig Plushie & 10,273MP You found a Female Guitar Shirt!! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/Earwig-Plushie.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/events/mpgain.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/items/shirt_guitarfemale.gif[/img]
October 13, 2015: You found a Gothabilly Female Costume!! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/female_gothabilly.gif[/img]
October 14, 2015: SNAP! You won Blue DNA!! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/dna_blue.gif[/img]
October 15, 2015: You picked up Red Zola Plushie (From EPM, wish it were enchanted lol) [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/ZolaPlushRed.gif[/img]
October 18, 2015: You won 25,000MP (Gumball Machine) You won a Vortex Park Gumball [img]http://images.marapets.com/events/mpgain.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/items/vortexpark_gumball.png[/img]
October 19, 2015: Dive!! You have accepted Heckles' offer of 30,218MP! You move the claw down...You picked up Thoughtful Feliz Plushie [img]http://images.marapets.com/events/mpgain.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/items/ThoughtfulFelizPlushie.gif[/img]
October 22, 2015: WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed! You have won 1,000,000MP Happy Maraween! You won Pastel Costume [img]http://images.marapets.com/events/mpgain.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/items/pastel_costume.png[/img]
October 24, 2015 You picked up Yellow Justin Plushie (From EPM) Congratulations! Trojan has rewarded you with a Spain Shirt!! [Img]http://images.marapets.com/items/JustinYellowPlush.gif[/Img][img]http://images.marapets.com/items/shirt_Spain.png[/img]
October 25, 2015: Congratulations! Trojan has rewarded you with a Ireland Shirt!! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/shirt_Ireland.png[/img]
October 28, 2015: You just found the Dukka Dash Jackpot of 293,223MP Bullseye! You won Glazed Cherry Pie [img]http://images.marapets.com/events/mpgain.gif[/img][img]http://images.marapets.com/items/glazed_cherry_pie.png[/img]
October 30, 2015: Duck, duck, duck! You have won 25,000MP from Heckles' Duck! [img]http://images.marapets.com/events/mpgain.gif[/img]
November 1, 2015: Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??15 Account Upgrade Credit!!! [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/AU.gif[/img]
That's a good idea, I might try it and see if I'm just being a negative nelly over here xD
19 years, 3 months & 24 days ago 1st Nov 2015 13:36
Aw thanks Boltostar! I actually log my game wins every month because it proves that there's luck everywhere! I'm sure if you started doing it too, you'd be surprised hehe ^^
19 years, 3 months & 24 days ago 1st Nov 2015 13:28
Jheeezeee! I haven't won half of this in my whole time playing! Congratulations man, that's great!
19 years, 3 months & 24 days ago 1st Nov 2015 13:24