9 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
18th Mar 2015 07:56-- the communication side of Mara--
Eh this website is a little too petty for me now. It used to be fun getting to know new people & chatting all day, but so much has changed & people on here are too competitive now.
People take it too seriously & act like it's their job to do certain things on here. *rolls eyes* Dealing with "adults" on here is worse than the patients I care for in my job -- & that's saying a lot lol. Players & "staff members" alike.
Favorites play a key role in this game as I have seen over and over again & hopefully that changes. Regardless of how good of friends you are with admin/staff/moderator-- there's no reason someone should be allowed to break rules while others are not. Shall I pull out Exhibits A - Z for all to see?
I think it's humorous that they claim to be fair & etc etc, when there's a clear line between those favored & those who aren't. I'm gonna be online playing but choose to cease communication with those outside my club.
When it boils down to it, I think people need to realize that its. a. game. Sure you may invest money in it, I know I've spent more than $2,500 alone on this site. But who cares? You play for the game, not to try and beat others at something, to be frank, no one in real life will care about or give you credit for. All your "Work" on here has nothing to show in real life, so lol, I hope people stop taking this site so seriously.