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  1. -
    19th Dec 2013 18:51
    11 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
11 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
19th Dec 2013 18:51


Hello Dai(:

I've been on and off mara for the past 8 years, but have been quite active the past year.
If i may, i am apping for my brother, who goes by Corazonian around here.
In the name of the season of giving, he gifted Ackly the Blue Troit to me, the only LE he had attained in his past year here.
Compared to my other pets i'd earned and traded for amongst my many years, Ackly may even seem an eyesore to outsiders.
But he is a gem in my eyes, a gift from my dear sweet younger brother.
We have two Siamese cats at home whom he loves dearly, Hermes and Hera. If i stand a chance in this sea of applicants, i would like to please ask that Jeikun would be allowed to be gifted to my brother, as a gift of returning thanks.

Ps; Cupcakes are getting a tad too sweet nowadays. bleugh><

Happy Christmas, Dai.
And good luck and merry life to you.
111 years & 2 months ago 21st Dec 2013 06:30
Hi I'm savannah. I absolutely love chibs. I'll try to keep it short so here here it goes. I have 7 siblings plus one on the way. I plan to have a army of well taken care of LEs and I think jieken would be a perfect member. Please let me win!!!!! Peace love cupcakes
111 years & 2 months ago 20th Dec 2013 22:09
Hey Dairax! (; I'm Liz, which I hate my name tbh.
I want to apply for Jeikun because well, it has been my goal to have a chibs (I have had one recently but I decided to give it to my bro for Christmas.)
If I did get him I would keep him forever<3 and stuff him with cupcakes and muffins Chibs are seriously my fave pets and if I won him, I would more than likely stat him up, make him have like a million learnies, and I would never trade it

Thanks for the opportunity(;

--P.S.-- Good luck all <3
111 years, 2 months & 1 day ago 20th Dec 2013 05:43
Hey Dai! I'd love to make an app for Jeikun! I'm not the best at this kind of thing so please, Bare with me haha. Red velvet cupcakes are my favorite by the way. Anyway, I'd love to add Jeikun to my mara family. He is absolutely adorable! I love baby cossied pets, my personal favorite is the baby mordo to be honest, but the chibs is awfully cute aswel. :3 I'm saving up mp to start stating all of my lovely pets, and Jeikun would be a wonderful pet for me to add to the list. I've never owned a chibs before, I've only had a punk mordo and a yellow zoosh when I played a few years ago but I quit mara for awhile and I decided to give them away to someone else who could enjoy them as much as I did. Anyway Dai, I'd be honored to have Jeikun your lovely baby chibs to my family. Thank you for the chance and Happy holidays to you too! Good luck everyone!
111 years, 2 months & 1 day ago 19th Dec 2013 20:14
Hi! My name's Day and I've been playing Mara for about 3 years now.

Well I'm not the richest player on Mara or have an LE pet but I have a goal. My dream pet is a Neon Chibs, which I am now saving up for.

If I got Jeikun, I'd treat him like a king, feed him cupcakes, stat him, the works!

When I raise the Mp for the Neon Costume, I would proudly transform him into a Neon Chibs, and of course, keep him for ever and ever! I would stat him, care for him, and be the best owner I could be

Thank you for this awesome opportunity and Merry Christmas! =)
111 years, 2 months & 1 day ago 19th Dec 2013 19:26
  1. -
    19th Dec 2013 18:51
    11 years, 2 months & 1 day ago