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  1. Blysse Apps
    5th May 2013 14:40
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  2. MP RP ITEM giveaway apps
    5th May 2013 14:23
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  3. Jerih Apps
    5th May 2013 13:56
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  4. Afinah Apps
    5th May 2013 13:35
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  5. Imasu Apps
    5th May 2013 13:20
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  6. Restock Times
    4th May 2013 12:18
    11 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
  7. R.I.P TraceyR2007
    1st May 2013 21:10
    11 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  8. People I owe
    28th Apr 2013 13:02
    11 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  9. My Graphics I bought<3
    21st Apr 2013 14:55
    11 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  10. Updated Goals
    24th Mar 2013 11:25
    11 years, 11 months & 16 days ago
MP RP ITEM giveaway apps
11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
5th May 2013 14:23


1. No chatspeak
2. Don't fluff up your app
3. You can app for more than one item
4. Don't copy somebody else's app

App Away!

Hello again,
Gosh, I feel awful apping for an item and a pet... Sorry about that (again, best of luck in the real world).

Hi, I'm Sydney and I am applying for your autumn costume.
The reason being, I don't know if you've noticed, Merri_Gentry is a Sindi, and Sindis can wear the autumn costume. An autumn Sindi would be a wonderful pet as the colours mix so beautifully - I'd like to think I'm an artist despite being in full time education, so I can appreciate the tonal qualities of an autumn Sindi.
That's actually all I have to say on that front. What else can I say other than, "I am applying so that I can costume my pet." there is quite literally nothing else to say... Is there? I mean, I could go on to waffle about how I'm using Merri at the moment to complete Tarquin which is a feat in itself considering she only has 64 books yet my friend who has over 200 sometimes fails at the last moment which I find really strange, but hey, it's all in the roll of the dice.
What else... Oh, also I'm trying to complete goals with Merri. For example she now has 31 magic just from doing those computer repair quests in order to complete that "Complete 50 or more computer repair quests" Ziranek goal.
Also, back to the point of the costume, I think an autumn costume would look much better on her than a shaved costume. I've been trying to have her beheaded because of purely financial motivations, which I do feel guilty for, but if I had her costumed with the autumn costume I would not dare to have her beheaded.

So long, and thanks for all the fish, it's been wonderful having you here on mara even though I didn't really know you. Community, as my nana used to say, doesn't mean you have to know everyone personally.
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 16:00
Hey Ashley!

Well it really does sadden me to see someone that I have seen around a lot on forums go. Especially since you have accomplished so much, but I wish you the very best in whatever it is that you do out of marapets. (:

Well my name is Katy, and I have been here on marapets for almost 6 years! Wow, that went by fast c: So I am here to apply for your Ice Cream Costume! I am a loyal member on marapets, and even though I know there are people who come and go, it is always sad to see someone leave.

So I have been saving up for a figaro potion for a while now, and haven't really been able to splurge on things that I really want. But here is a chance that you're giving away one of the things I really desire! (:

So, as I said I really want a figgy, but not just any figaro... but an Ice cream figaro! (:

So your lovely costume would just be perfect for once I do save up enough for my potion, so I can use for that figaro. So let me present to you a little drawing I drew for this application!

So this is a drawing of my maradoll holding an ice cream figaro (: hehe. I know it is not the very best drawing, but I tried! I hope you enjoy it. I really do hope you consider me, for your ice cream costume.

Anyways, that is all I am applying for! And so I hope you enjoyed reading my application (: I hope you have a great life outside of marapets, and maybe you'll come and visit sometime in the future? (:

Thanks for reading!
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 15:27
Hello, I'm Jose.
I'm not going to apply for any certain item because anything I can get would go to my club war in the summer.
(which is next month)
Any costume(s) and or any amount of mp would be fine w/ me.
I'm close to 20mill saved up.
My goal is 50mill+ for the club war.
Any items we get will become prizes.
Any mp I get will become mp prizes/be used to buy more prizes.
Thanks for reading and doing this giveaway,

- Jose
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 15:01
Hi there!

Sorry to see you are quitting, I wish you all the luck in real life. But thanks for doing this giveaway first, how very kind and generous of you

My name is Holly, i've been here for 7.5 years and I am an adult player. I love mara and my main focus is my pets.

I would love to apply for your ice cream costume. I've wanted one for a while, but as I am saving for my dream pet goal, i haven't allowed myself to buy one

There are many reasons why I would love this item. Firstly, I have a deep passion for pink. Before I got married and devoted part of my gallery to my wedding, my gallery was full of only pink items. All the pink items are still there, but are behind the wedding related things I adore my pink collection, pink makes me happy. Most of my pink items are worthless, but I still love my collection. I don't usually collect things like avvies, photos, plates or plushies, but my pink items really are a passion of mine.

The second reason is that after my pink collection, I have a costume collection I'm getting started on. My pets are my main goals on mara and so I wanted my gallery to reflect this somehow also and I decided on costumes. I love my pink costumes.

Finally, I think the ice cream figaros are so cute and have considered getting an ice cream costume for Ezurie. However, I would not use it just yet, if I ever did decide to use it, because I really want to work on having the best pink gallery collection first and foremost

Thanks so much for the opportunity.
All the best,
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 14:52
Ello! I'm Evi.

I would love your nightmare costume. I plan to turn Memory into nightmare because I think that suits his name. xD I like to try my best to match my pet up with their name and costume ^^ Like Brock! I just think it's a great combo and makes me be even more attached to my pets.

I mean I have some MP, but I use it to quest and stat my pets. Questing is useful but also time consuming, which I don't have a lot of these days. I hate questing and they ask me for an expensive item. I don't ever spend more than 10k on a quest because I don't think it's worth it. But yeah I would appreciate the nightmare costume so Memory could be nightmare = like a bad memory and such. I thought of angel but I don't really like angel mordos that much!

I try to get random conc. from the shops, but they're hard to find stocked up in the shops. I get lucky and grab them sometimes but I have no luck with then. Lawsuit turned American, which is okay because he was only a prison sindi before. I think American suits Lawsuit. xD

Thanks for these lovely opportunities. I really appreciate it because even if I don't win, it allows someone to have a chance of getting one step closer to their goals ^^

111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 14:43
Hello there,I'm Zoey!
I'd like to app for any MP you could spare.At the moment I have two dream pets:
A Toddler Mordo
A Minipet Tasi

I'm currently trying to pet trade my way to them,but it is not going well.I have reliased that I shall have to buy my way there,hence why I am apping for MP.I don't have much saved up,but today I managed to buy a Toddler Costume,now I just need the Mordo maker.

Any MP at all would go a long way in helping me get them.
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 14:42
Hi, its me again.

I would also like to apply for some of your mp which I will put into my bank to go towards my Chibs fund. As I already mentioned I would like to turn petrificus into an Ice Cream Chibs.

Thanks for reading and good luck in the future.
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 14:38
Heya, I'm Corina and I am applying for your Ice Cream Costume which I plan to use on petrificus once I have turned him into a Chibs. I think that the Ice Cream Chibs is adorable. At the moment I have four million saved up so I just need to get five mill more.

Good luck in real life.
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 14:36
Hi there, my name is Britney (aka Binny). Today I am applying for your Nightmare Costume. I have been wanting to buy one for Kiaro, but they have been a bit pricey. I have been waiting for the price to go down a bit, lol. Anywho, getting this one would make things a lot easier and I would be very much appreciative of it. I have been using Random Concoctions on him far he's just really well fed. And he turned Vortex, but I don't like that costume. Ok, off track now! So, yeah, I would love to get your Nightmare Costume for Kiaro. Plus, I get an avi that I really, really want. :]
Well, thanks for your time and this opportunity! Good luck with the real world and good luck picking the winners.


111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 14:32
Hello, I am here to app for your toddler costume!
I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving marapets but good luck in the real world!
I'm apping for your toddler costume as you can probably see from my gallery that I am trying to collect all of the costume on marapets and the toddler one is one that I unfortunately do not have!
I think it's extremely kind of you for you to be giving everything away!
It's sad to see someone else leave marapets but have fun in the real world!
111 years, 10 months & 5 days ago 5th May 2013 14:31
  1. Blysse Apps
    5th May 2013 14:40
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  2. MP RP ITEM giveaway apps
    5th May 2013 14:23
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  3. Jerih Apps
    5th May 2013 13:56
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  4. Afinah Apps
    5th May 2013 13:35
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  5. Imasu Apps
    5th May 2013 13:20
    11 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  6. Restock Times
    4th May 2013 12:18
    11 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
  7. R.I.P TraceyR2007
    1st May 2013 21:10
    11 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  8. People I owe
    28th Apr 2013 13:02
    11 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  9. My Graphics I bought<3
    21st Apr 2013 14:55
    11 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  10. Updated Goals
    24th Mar 2013 11:25
    11 years, 11 months & 16 days ago