Lovebunnies are fluffy doe-eyed bunnies that enjoy hiding in flowers and just generally being cute. They love sugary things and most like to make friends, however some are quite shy. Once domesticated they will bond easily with humans and demand a lot of attention.
Current Lovebunnies: Peaches n'Cream, owned by Flyne; [IMG][/IMG] Wintermint, owned by Philligrl13 [IMG][/IMG] Mango dream, owned by cutehottie4eva [img][/img] Dusk, owned by Agateophobia [IMG][/IMG] Tranquil, owned by Agateophobia [IMG][/IMG]
Lovebunnies can make babies, too! [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
I'm really sorry I don't remember at all! But i've known a lot of people throughout the years and it's easy to forget! Thank you for your positive feedback!
111 years & 10 months ago 22nd Apr 2013 20:58
thank you
111 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 14th Apr 2013 14:19
OMG... Those are so so so so so so very cute.
111 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 14th Apr 2013 12:06