questing journal
12 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
18th Nov 2012 21:42Started this on 18th Nov 2012 09:42 PM.
With all the complaining in forums lately about how impossible it is to profit from questing, I thought I'd do a little journal here about my questing experience to prove them wrong. Or at least until I get bored of updating this. lol
Day One. I started with 20k MP. I think I counted 20 quests to do, so I attempted to do them all except for Knutt Knight and Sumo Sally as those I can complete a ton of quickly. The few quests that don't always give a MP and/or item reward I attempted also such as leprechaun, computer repair, personal trainer, spy. I usually won't spend more than 5k per quest. Most common items I got stopped on were plates, bones, photos, potions, and newspapers/magazines. In a half hour of jumping from quest to quest I gained about 15k MP, Ball of Blue Yarn, Explorer Trading Card, and 4 different Simerian Slates. So journal entry one shows a big profit from a short time period.
Day Two. Started with 38k MP this time and spent about 20 min questing. Unlucky with items today except for 4 crystals from Elger, but I did gain 22k MP. So if I sold the crystals it would be a not terrible profit.
Another round of questing. Started at 122k MP. About 20 min later I've gained 22k MP, Excavator Trading Card, 2 Simerian Slates, 3 Kamilah Codes, and 6 crystals. So very nice profit again.
One last round of questing for day two. 480k MP starting point. Went up 45k MP and got 3 Simerian Slates, Candy Purple Grapes, Candy Blackberry, Murfin Dip, and 4 crystals. Again, nice profit.
Eh, I'm bored so doing another round of questing. lol. Starting at 529k MP. Gained 28k MP, 1 Simerian Slate, Personal Trainer Trading Card, Candy Purple Grapes, and Sindi Dip. With the trading card it's a very good profit this round, but I know most people can't do personal trainer quests. I have plenty of Olympic points, but I only complete the quest if I'm asked for baseball or baseball bat.
Day Three. Starting at 439k MP. Went down 25k this round. Got Candy Strawberry, Crindol Dip, Viotto Dip, and 2 crystals. I probably shouldn't include Spy quests with my run of quests as they'll just eat away at my profit from other quests. I had a good luck of spy quests, did about 15 in a row. But I lucked out and managed to grab an Erhu from the spy shop in between my quests. So even with the MP loss today still very good profit with that instrument.
470k MP starting. Had another decent run with spy quests, so only went up 7k MP. Also got 3 Simerian Slates, Candy Watermelon, and 2 crystals. Decent profit again. Also clicked on way too many turkeys as that event just started. lol. Plus got 2 cute Turkiye.
Starting at 502k MP. Since I started this blog to prove the constant complainers wrong, I'm gonna leave off with the spy quests as they're messing up my profit. Getting spy points can obviously count as a profit in the long run, but they're currently just taking away my MP gains. Bad luck with items this round, only got 4 crystals. But did gain 28k MP.
606k MP starting. Not much luck with items again. Just Ball of Orange Yarn and 6 crystals. Plus 42k MP gained.
Day Four. Only one round of questing for today. It's late and I'm tired. Starting with 981k MP. Crap luck with items yet again. Only 4 crystals. Gained 20k MP.
Day Five. Happy Thanksgiving. Probably just the one round of questing again today. 761k MP starting. All I got was 2 Simerian Slates and 20k MP. My luck suddenly awful, but I'm still making a small profit.
Day Six. So tired. I work retail, so this weekend is yuck.
.gif' alt='
'> Starting at 593k MP. Dunno what happened to my luck with items, but bad luck again. Just 1 Simerian Slate and 8 crystals. Plus 39k MP.
Day Seven. Starting at 671k MP. Quests hate me now. Only 4 crystals. And 21k MP.
Day Eight. Starting at 997k MP. With the Black Friday sale on Mara it's way too hard atm to restock most of my quests items as I normally do. So only 5k MP tonight plus 2 Simerian Slates and 4 crystals. Awful luck lately, but still considered a profit if I'd sell the slates and crystals.
Day Nine. 649k starting. Only item I got was Fasoro Dip. Chances of items from quests seems to have way dropped since I started this journal. :/ At least I gained 54k MP. Had good luck getting MP from Candy Tree, Santa Claws, and Travis Truck.
Day Ten. Starting at 384k MP. Wow, downhill and downhill goes my luck with questing. :/ No items at all and only 6K mp. And I'm currently burning up and can barely keep my eyes open. Being sick sucks. Off to bed.
Day Eleven. I feel like crap, so no questing today.
Day Twelve. I also skipped this day as still feeling yucky.
Day Thirteen. Still not feeling the best, but I'm off work today so I'll do at least one round of quests. Starting at 626k MP. Went down 4k MP, but did get 1 Kamilah Code and 10 crystals. So decent enough.
Another round. Starting at 717k MP. Gained 17k MP, Ball of Grey Yarn, 2 Simerian Slates, and Kidlet Dip.
Day Fourteen. No questing again today.
Day Fifteen. Starting at 242k MP. Just 19k MP gained and Murfin Ice Sculpture.
Another run of quests since I skipped yesterday. Starting at 162k MP. lol at the Snowman. Purple Rose has been sent to ian. <3 42k MP gained and 10 crystals.
Day Sixteen. 391k MP starting. Gained 32k MP, Ball of Red Yarn, and Echlin Dip.
Another round, starting at 144k MP. Not even one item from any quests. Game getting stingy. Went up 16k MP.
One last round before bed, starting at 123k MP. 23k MP gained and 4 crystals.
Day Seventeen. Starting at 56k MP. Gained 34k MP, Ball of Brown Yarn, Candy Plum, and 14 crystals. Better luck today. Also got attacked by a Lark while questing and managed to catch it.
Day Eighteen. Starting at 683k MP. 6k MP gained, 2 Simerian Slates, 1 Kamilah Code, and 2 crystals.
One more round before bed. Starting at 798k MP. Gained 25k MP, Candy Honey Melon, Crindol Dip, and 2 crystals.
Day Nineteen. Starting at 440k MP. Gained 21k MP, Ball of Purple Yarn, 2 Snowman Trading Cards, Rune T (finally, first rune since I started this journal), Rune J (woot, my luck finally changing), Rune D, and 6 crystals. Much better luck today.
Day Twenty. Starting at 163k MP. Gained 3 Simerian Slates, Excavator Trading Card , 1 Kamilah Code, 2 crystals, and 48k MP.
Day Twenty-One. I forgot to do a round of quests today.
Day Twenty-Two. Starting at 835k MP. Went down 2k MP and gained Rune W, 1 Kamilah Code, and 4 crystals.
Another round, starting at 840k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, Candy Pear, Xoi Dip, and 7k MP.
Day Twenty-Three. Starting at 502k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 6 crystals, and 23k MP.
Day Twenty-Four. Starting at 940k MP. Gained 17k MP, Personal Trainer Trading Card, Enchanted Leido Dip, and 2 crystals. Only spent like 10 minutes on this round. Quest after quest asked for a bone/magazine/newspaper/photo.
Day I'm Not Sure. lol. I've lost track of what day I should be on. I know I skipped several days cause I've been too busy. Starting at 854k MP. Gained Explorer Trading Card, Rune Q, 8 crystals, and 21k MP.
6/8/14. Wow, was a while ago that I actively kept up with this questing journal. lol. Bored atm, so another update. Starting with 39k MP. Gained Rune H, 1 Simerian Slate, 8 crystals, and 23k MP.
Off I go again. Starting with 39k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 6 crystals, and 28k MP.
8/13/14. There was yet another forum post today complaining about the lack of profit, so here I go again. Starting with 148k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 1 Kamilah Code, 8 crystals, Ushunda Ice Sculpture, Candy Green Grapes, Candy Horned Melon, Candy Cherry, and 60k MP. Yeah, I totally see why people complain it's impossible to profit from quests. Uh huh. A half hour of questing is all the time this took me. If I sold all the items I just gained, that would be 246k. So 306k MP total profit. People need to stop whining and actually try doing the quests.
Another round before bed. Starting with 8k MP. Gained Rune A, 8 crystals, Enchanted Paffuto Dip, and 18k MP. Only spent about 15 minutes on quests this time, kept getting stopped quick. Adding up the items I gained is 358k.
8/14/14. Starting with 741k MP. Gained Rune B, 1 Simerian Slate, 2 Kamilah Codes, 2 crystals, Candy Cranberry, Candy Cranberry again, Sindi Dip, Nino Dip, and 12k MP.
Round two today, starting with 189k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 6 crystals, Viotto Dip, Vixen Dip, Equilor Dip, and 38k MP.
8/17/14. Too much repetitive clicking due to birthday event starting, so time for some questing. Starting with 695k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, Knutt Dip, and 42k MP. Bad luck with items today. Got stopped on first Elger quest.
8/22/14. Mara was down most of today for me. So sad. Quest time now, starting with 99k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 6 crystals, and 18k MP.
8/23/14. Starting with 328k MP. Gained Ball of Blue Yarn, 1 Simerian Slate, and 6 crystals. Went down 1k MP. Haven't gone down in MP from my questing in forever it seems like, but oh well. Still a profit if I sold the items.
Starting with 343k MP. Gained 4 crystals and 14k MP. Bad luck with items.
Starting with 428k MP. Gained Rune B and 40k MP. Items being stingy again and Elger stopped me first try.
Starting with 520k MP. Gained 22k MP and zero items. Sad day for questing.
8/24/14. So many site issues lately. =( Oh, and new security codes using that captcha thing - worst update ever on this site. Ugh. Those codes are awful. The captcha numbers were bad enough, being blurry and small and even cut off. But the words are beyond hideous. Impossible to read most of them and they aren't even real words. Just ugh. =/ Only small positive about the change is that lower rarity items have no security codes. And the codes being added to quests will probably stop most of my questing. =/ Anyway, staring with 803k MP. Gained 8 crystals and 21k MP. Where are all my items. Grr.
Starting with 636k MP. Gained 10 crystals and 6k MP.
8/25/14. Starting with 754k MP. Gained 1 Kamilah Code, 4 crystals, Enchanted Newth Dip, and 5k MP. I find it amusing that the big fat guy in sewers has asked me for a Mummy Gumball 2 days in a row. Greedy git.
Starting with 518k MP. My complaint yesterday about the new captcha codes is mainly due to my awful eyesight. Here's another example - my stubborn butt just spent 5 minutes staring at the Undying Woods map trying to find the trading card shop. I know I could have used the bottom links or gone through SS, but I wanted to find the stupid thing. Cards hanging on a line were too hard for me to notice. =/ Gained 8 crystals and 33k MP.
8/26/14. Starting with 482k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 16 crystals, Enchanted Fasoro Dip, and 48k MP.
Starting with 166k MP. Gained Ball of Grey Yarn, 1 Simerian Slate, 8 crystals, Ike Dip, Feliz Dip, and 6k MP. Even with an expensive mistake on Elger quests I still had a MP profit. My first Elger quest asked for 2 items - one was 10k in shops and I thought other was cheap, so I bought the 10k item. Turns out other item in shops was 13k. =/ So spent 23k MP on 1 Elger quest, but all others profited enough to offset that. I usually won't spend 10k on Elger, but I hate being stopped like that on first quest so sometimes I'll do it anyway.
Starting with 174k MP. Gained 2 Kamilah Codes, 6 crystals, and 33k MP.
8/27/14. Starting with 574k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 2 Kamilah Codes, 6 crystals, Candy Avocado, and 7k MP.
Starting with 796k MP. Gained 6 crystals, Wooden Spoon, Enchanted Paffuto Dip, and 9k MP.
8/28/14. Game was down yet again, for like half the day. I'm not normally one to complain about site issues here, but the amount of problems these past 2 weeks has been awful. And there are facebook and twitter accounts to keep us informed about stuff, and yet there's been silence on both. Anyway, one quick round of quests before bed. Starting with 239k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate and 28k MP.
8/29/14. Starting with 312k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 2 Kamilah Codes, 4 crystals, Willa Dip, and 41k MP.
Starting with 345k MP. Gained Ball of White Yarn, 1 Simerian Slate, 4 crystals, Candy Kiwi, Zetlian Dip, Enchanted Bolimo Dip, and 49k MP. Larger than usual MP gains today. And more luck with items.
Starting with 470k MP. Gained Ball of Red Yarn, 1 Simerian Slate, 20 crystals, Tongs, Small Pan, Peeler, and 54k MP. Definitely more lucky than usual today.
9/1/14. Didn't get around to any questing this past weekend. Starting with 930k MP. Gained Small Pan and 15k MP. Holy crap, what an awful round of questing tonight. First 8 quests I tried I got stopped on first attempt. =/ And seeing the stupid captcha codes on some of the quests just sucks. So I managed to actually do a total of 10 quests just now, with 6 of those quests being from Cosmonaut. Just ugh.
9/2/14. After yesterday's awful round of questing I wasn't really planning on doing more quests anytime soon, but the news post claims quests got lots of updates, so giving this another shot. Starting with 196k MP. Gained 4 crystals, Candy Papaya, and 69k MP. Had a very good run of Santa Claws quests, so a high MP gain today. So, the quests' updates. They definitely make questing easier and way quicker. Less copying and pasting, less opening more tabs. Good updates overall, but still really hating the captcha codes. And being logged in through Google makes absolutely no difference for me. I never log out of Google and I've only ever gotten the number captchas once - the first day the codes were released. I'm assuming that my inability to type the word codes correctly is why the stupid things think I'm not a human. Today I mainly used the audio captchas, but those are no fun.
Trying this again, starting with 266k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 18 crystals, and 34k MP.
9/3/14. More complaints from people since yesterday's news update stating - All Quests have been updated. We have increased the rewards of all quests. - People are apparently thinking this means a huge, noticeable increase, but it's probably just a tiny increase that no one will notice. But as this questing journal of mine has been proving over and over - it is EASY to profit from questing. People just have no patience and don't know how to properly quest. Starting with 363k MP. Gained 2 crystals and 65k MP.
Starting with 479k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 6 crystals, and 10k MP.
9/4/14. Starting with 125k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 32 crystals, Frying Pan, and 25k MP. Very good luck with the Elger quests today.
Starting with 825k MP. Gained 10 crystals and 70k MP.
Starting with 896k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 4 crystals, Snookle Dip, and 49k MP.
Starting with 945k MP. Gained 18 crystals, Mortar, Small Pan, and 57k MP. I know it sometimes seems like I gain very little when I guest, but I also spend very little time on it. If I attempted all the quests once or twice an hour multiple times a day, I would obviously see a larger gain overall. With the quest updates recently it's even quicker to jump through all the quests. Just now took me 15 minutes. I'm just too lazy to do this over and over daily. Especially with the captcha codes. Still mad about those. Getting the codes while trying to complete the quests and also to restock the items for said quests is just total crap. I don't even want to attempt the battle quests as getting codes there will just upset me even more. =/
9/5/14. Starting with 465k MP. Gained Ball of Green Yarn, 1 Simerian Slate, 8 crystals, and 30k MP.
Starting with 500k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 2 crystals, and 24k MP.
9/6/14. One quick round before bed, starting with 567k MP. Gained Walee Dip and 73k MP. Wow, ended up being super quick. Took 10 minutes, got stopped on first quest for probably 2/3 of the quests. Did get high MP gains on the quests I did manage.
9/7/14. Starting with 370k MP. Gained 8 crystals and 23k MP. That was another super quick round of questing. The lack of security codes on most items is completely messing things up. Almost nothing is in stock and prices are jumping for everything. Hitting price check on item after item gave me prices of 10k+ on most of my quests. =/ Every tweak of the new captcha codes just makes things even worse than they were.
9/8/14. From Ian's comment on an adult forum post, sounds like a bunch of upset idiots have been buying out as many shops as they can to prove a point. Point being they're immature brats that need to grow up. In my opinion anyway. But supposedly these people will be 'restock banned' and have captcha codes on every single item they buy. So we'll see in a day or 2 if shops will actually have items in stock. Starting with 733k MP. Gained Ball of Pink Yarn, 1 Simerian Slate, 1 Kamilah Code, 2 crystals, Candy Plum, Figaro Dip, and 13k MP.
Starting with 741k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, Plastic Spoon, and 30k MP.
Starting with 111k MP. Gained 4 Simerian Slates, 4 crystals, Tongs, and 3k MP.
Starting with 245k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, Pot, and 26k MP.
9/9/14. Starting with 290k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate and 24k MP. More shops than usual are rather empty still. =/ These captcha codes still giving me troubles. Using my main browser of FireFox - and being logged into Google - is still giving me nothing except awful words. I've been using IE for the Birthday profile clicking thing - I reset cookies, etc on IE every day so that I can easily see which people I haven't clicked on yet. I've tried checking the shops through IE several times during this birthday event and every single time IE gives me number captcha codes. It's driving me crazy. I hate IE, I refuse to use it. And yet it's getting the easy codes, even without being logged into Google and with me clearing cookies daily. It makes absolutely no sense. =/
Starting with 394k MP. Gained Ball of Red Yarn, Ball of Purple Yarn, 14 crystals, and 14k MP. Site lagging for me this evening. =(
Starting with 465k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 20 crystals, and 40k MP. I tried restocking some school supplies through IE and now it's giving me word captcha codes also. Ugh. It seems like I typo once or twice on numbers and it boots me to words. =/
9/10/14. Starting with 406k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 3 Kamilah Codes, 8 crystals, Personal Trainer Trading Card, and Peeler. Went down 4k MP. Shop stock seems to be even worse than it was 2 days ago. Almost nothing the quests asked for was in stock.
Starting with 2k MP. Well, it's really 2k plus 10m, but I always drop the mil(s) when I update this questing journal to make the math easier. Gained 6 crystals, Spoon, and 14k MP. Still very little in shops.
9/12/14. Hmm, looks like I derped and didn't edit blog properly yesterday. Cause I know I did one quick round of questing last night. The Rune B I got last night is still in my inventory, so I know I didn't just dream it. And nothing to do with quests, but - Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 117 Months Old status! - yikes, have I been on this site forever or what. lol. Starting with 604k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 6 crystals, Candy Lemon, and 32k MP.
9/13/14. Starting with 624k MP. Gained 2 Simerian Slates, 6 crystals, Oglue Ice Sculpture, Chopping Board, Ladle, and 11k MP.
Starting with 42k MP. Gained 1 Simerian Slate, 4 crystals, and 11k MP.
10/4/18. This old blog of mine made me wonder about the profit differences between now and years ago when I did this. It seems like stuff is more expensive now, but I'll see. Starting with 522k. Gained 2 crystals, Rune AE, 4 socks from Shusan, and 38k MP. So. Still some profit, but probably 3/4 of the quests stopped me at first quest due to 1+ items costing 8-9k.
Round 2, starting with 577k MP. Gained 4 crystals, Plastic Spoon, 3 Simerian Slates, 2 socks from Shusan, and 36k MP.
Round 3, starting with 589k MP. Gained Rune K, 1 sock from Shusan, 1 Simerian Slate, and 21k MP.
Round 4, starting with 609k MP. Gained 2 crystals, 1 sock from Shusan, 1 Simerian Slate, and 27k MP.
Overall, I guess similar results to when I kept up with this quest log years ago. Just seems like I did very few quests today as I was constantly getting asked for 1 or more items costing 8-9k and for most quests my spend limit is 5k. Elger is the only exception to my spend limit as I'm always guaranteed 2 crystals from her. So spent limit on her is more like 10k.
10/6/18. Gonna try a bit more questing today. Starting with 381k MP. Gained 1 Shusan sock and 22k MP. Wow at the lack of items. Quests just constantly ask for expensive items. I just counted the quests I attempted - 18 quests. Not counting Shusan, I probably only managed like 10 quests.
![Shifty Eyes](
Round 2, starting with 384k MP. Gained Ball of Orange Yarn, 4 crystals, 5 Shusan socks, Happy Head Leaf, and 43k MP. A bit more luck with quests this round.
Round 3, starting with 366k MP. Gained 10 crystals, 6 Shusan socks, Mortar, and 48k MP.
Round 4, starting with 286k MP. Gained Lorius Dip (one of the brand new dips, so UB atm), Addow Dip, 3 Shusan socks, Spatula, Chopping Board, Plastic Tongs, and 94k MP. Had a good run of Queen Bee quests where several only cost me 100 MP per quest. And also got 22k MP from one of the Shusan quests.
Round 5, last one before bed. Starting with 334k MP. Gained Lati Dip, 1 Shusan sock, and 37k MP. Eh at the luck.
10/10/18. Trying out my luck again. Starting with 716k MP. Gained 1 Kamilah code, 6 Shusan socks, 1 Simerian Slate, and 46k MP.
10/11/18. Starting with 957k MP. Gained 10 crystals, Slavebot, Ushunda Ice Sculpture, 1 Shusan sock, Plastic Tongs, Dawn Pearl Crescent Wings, and 60k MP. Better luck with items this round.
10/12/18. Starting with 702k MP. Gained 2 Shusan socks and 35k MP. Wow, terrible luck tonight.
Another round, starting with 728k MP. Gained 2 crystals, 4 Shusan socks, and 60k MP. Eh, again.