(Re-posted from forum)
I'll app for either of your fairy Chibs, though more likely for lex_luther1 because I'd like to give him a r/n. It would match him better than mine I was going to use it on. If you're wondering what it is, feel free to mail me, I feel like I can trust you not to use it.
So to start off, hey JY, I'm Rachel and I've been on Mara for about 6 years now (I quit then came back last year-- didn't realize how much I'd miss it) so I'm a pretty experienced player. I'm 17 and a senior in high school, and when I graduate I'm off to college to learn medicine. I'd like to go out of state but can't be certain yet. (:
I'd be very grateful to get lex since fairy Chibs are so classic. I'm not going to lie and say it's my favorite, but I love them nonetheless.
When I find pets I really like on here, I keep them. And that would be the same for him. Its highly unlikely that'd I'd ever trade either of them since I work hard on here and get attached to things.
So if you're maybe going to give one of your fairy Chibs away I'd love to keep one for you. I'm an active player and can be seen around a lot. (:
I wrote a short piece for you about lex, and I hope you enjoy it. It was fun to write this and the app.
Shards of light glisten through the paper wings of the creature
It's fragility searching upwards towards the heavens
The air is silent, the sky opened up in a clear blue
Large clouds that lurk, rolling mists of white
Clear as butterfly-esque wings batter them away
Like smoke
The creature, with the body of a cat, turns its eyes upward to the massive ozone before it
And a rush of sheer cold fog swallows him.
He's done this all before.
Soft yet blinding white air leaves icy dew frozen to his airy pelt;
He rushes his wings, pumping the cold away, and passes through to the outer layer of the world.
Thanks for the chance for consideration and take care!
[e] I'd also love to draw a graphic for you but my laptop had it's screen broken & being repaired; I'm using an iPhone so can't draw anything with it. So I'm sorry for the inconvenience.