Hello Jenn, I'm Bre,as you may already know because of Illustro. I'm here to apply for Haxle. This app will be put into sections, so you can skip any part you don't think you'd be interested in reading.
About me~
I'm Breanna, but I go by Bre, as you may know from Illustro. I'm an honor roll student, and I live in the US.
My Experience on Mara~
I've been playing on marapets for over 3 years now. I'm on /all/ the time. Over the years I've accomplished some minor goals of mine, but the biggest I've accomplished yet was obtaining a Willa, and making 21 million mp. Now, my current goal which I've been trying to accomplish for a few years is to own a Figaro.
What I plan to do with Haxle~
If I were to win Haxle I would continue statting him. As you may have noticed I have 2 other statted pets, Irvina and Linxah. Having statted pets on my account makes me feel pretty good, and I like to see their stats excel. I would probably try to get Haxle to 200 stats, may be hard though, so I'm not sure.
What are the reasons I like Haxle~
As you know I really like his stats, but that's not all I like about him. I'm actually /not/ a big fan of ercuws, not going to lie, BUT I do actually quite like the minipet ercuws. Though I like most all of the Minipet Pets, I think they're very adorable. I also think his name is really cool the way I pronounce it, (H-AHH-CKS-OOL).
Well, I think that wraps up my application, thank you so much for giving us all this opportunity, and I am sad to see you're quitting, as we've talked before in Illustro, and you were very nice. But I do wish you luck and a good live in the real world. Have a nice day!