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  1. Blog #376581
    28th Jul 2013 18:37
    11 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  2. Blog #357511
    31st Jul 2012 09:35
    12 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
  3. Blog #354844
    14th Jun 2012 18:56
    12 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
  4. Blog #342184
    1st Oct 2011 20:35
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  5. Photos I need
    1st Oct 2011 07:22
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  6. Blog #335030
    6th Jun 2011 14:07
    13 years, 8 months & 19 days ago

12 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
31st Jul 2012 09:35

I'm quitting so I'm giving all my LEs, post apps here.

-You may apply for only one pet
-Don't post apps on the forum, only on the blog
-Don't chat on the blog, only post apps but you may chat on the forum
-Apps can be as long as you want but I'd prefer not having one sentence apps as you probably won't win if you do that

For further details see the main topic:

Hello, i've been on marapets since July 4, 2008, 8:53 am.

and since 2008 i've been pretty desparate to get my hands on an ercuw pet. however i've never had a spare 6mill lying around to buy a potion.

im rather impressed at Haxles statistics and i would definatley put him to good use in the olympics and continue to raise his stats.

im not sure what else to write i just really have a shining for Haxle, and i'd be thrilled if i could have him goodluck in the real world.
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 19:10
An Anime Quell is my dream pet and favourite pet of ALL TIME.

I've been trying to get one for years, but have never managed it.

This could finally be my chance to get one.

I love the name Timion aswell!

I wish you all the best in leaving marapets and really hope i get this pet!

Thank you for your time and thank you for the opportunity!
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 17:52
Hey, I'm Hannah! I'm kind of new on marapets, but I've watched my friends on here for a while. And I'm applying for Haxle.
I only have one pet as of now, and I'm trying to train him and get lots of stats into him because I no I have really no chance of getting an LE...
Let me tell you why I'm applying for Haxle. I love all things cute, small and big eyed. So ercuws don't have the biggest eyes, but I find them adorable anyway. If I did receive Haxle, I would take care of Haxle forever. I don't think I would ever trade him for anything. I would ALWAYS make sure he was happy and I would continue to train him and take him to school.
I'll keep this short, but thanks for reading and for the opportunity!
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 17:43
Hi there,

I know you have a lot of apps to read so I'm not gonna make this too long... or too short as you said in your forum post. Haha. First of all, I am Deanna, 16, from the United States. I've been playing since March 28th, 2008 and as you can see clearly on my profile, my pets quite suck a bit. I don't have a lot of LE's and I don't really stat my pets at all. Ever since I signed up on here, my main goals have been to just earn 100mil mp and increase my forums posts as high as I can. If you read my info tab, you can see that my dream pets are any kind of chibs or lati. I love latis because they're adorable and remind me of bunnies. I've decided to become more interested in pets on this site, because I think it's about time after being on here for 4+ years that I begin to obtain some real quality pets. My first two LE's (the daisy and dakota) were actually given to me by two friends that had quit. I never really apped for much pets in the pet forum because to be quite honest, I'm not the best at apping as you've probably heard a lot before and are probably tired of hearing. I always figure that someone will always be more convincing than me so I haven't even tried. Yes, its pretty sad but its never too late to try of course and I really hope you consider me for your LightFairy lati because it would be a great start for me finally obtaining my dream pets. I'm sorry to hear you're leaving but you seem like you're time here was used obtaining most of your goals and I definitely look up to you for that seeing as your pets are amazing. Any who, please consider me and thank you so much for your time reading this.


112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 17:26
hey there ???
I'm shaii, and i think you never noticed me xD
anyways I would like to app for celantro.

I ??? babies [yes, even in real life xD] and a baby quell is just so fricking adorable. The baby quell is my second fave pet next to an icefairy yuni which i am happy to have right now ^_^ and if i get cutie Celantro... i'd be like.... OMG. o.o *stares into blank space.*
lol xD just trying to put a smile on your face before you go.

I am in no progress right now because fates and the new water clothing made me broke. I'm using my current mp right now to stat clamey but it wont be sufficient. anyways hope ya consider me ???

oh things i made for you:

and a song ???
when i clicked a little blog
this is what i see
marapetzrulez is staring at me
i saw celantro the quell
and i aint afraid to app it, app it, app it
I'm fricking shaii and i know it ???

that was horrid wasn't it? how about a different one?

hey i just met you
and i am crazy
but can i take celantro
with me baby?

it's hard to look right
through the cuteness.
but can i take celantro
with me baby?

thanks for reading my app ???
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 17:09
Hello my name is Angelina, I am applying for Gatti your baby mordo. That is my dream pet. Baby anything is super cute. LOL.
I have been trying to get a baby mordo for over a year now with no such luck. Getting this pet would mean the world to me.
Thank you for your time
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 17:05
Hi, my name is Sim! I'm here to apply for the cutest marapet I think I've ever seen - Haxle. Omg. The main reason I would LOVE to own Haxle is because he looks like a dragon, like all ecruws lol. But lately I've been REALLY into the Game of Thrones series (if you haven't read the books or watched the HBO show, I highly recommend it!. In the series there's this girl named Daenerys who has three dragons... and to be honest, I'm completely obsessed with her and her "children", as she calls them, so when I saw that you were giving Haxle my heart melted. (ahahahhaha, dragon fire, melted.... )
If I were to get Haxle I'd probably only just stat him up some more. I definitely wouldn't trade the costume because, let's be honest, he's so freaking cute. I would probably re-name him, though. One of Danaery's original dragon's names is available so that's what I would choose. It's perfect. All I need is Haxle.
But yeah. I know my application isn't that great but I figured I'd give it a shot. Thanks for at least taking the time to read through it lol. And good luck choosing.
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 16:28

I hope you do not mind but I made a webpage.. I am apping for Valaro and here is the link:

I wanted to do something different!

Thank you for the opportunity!!
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 16:17
Holaa, I am Jello and I am heeere to apply for one of your wonderful pets aha to be specific, Artila. Before I go straight into the app of why I want her I might as well introduce myself. I am Jillybug and I go by the name of Jello, I am a female teenage girl who just came back to marapets after about a 2 year break. I've honestly found myself addicted again, although it's quite sad how much marapets has died... You can usually find me in the spam forum or lurking in pets aha, but yeah a great deal of my time is spent to raise money up for a better pet and pets are honestly quite crappy for someone who's been playing almost as long as 5 years..I use to not care as much about pets, but I've recently became fond of getting a few more pets, such as LES. Having Artila, would be a great contribution and a great start to reach my goal. Now I know, you read through so many apps and just think well why should this person deserve this pet over someone else and I am almost a hundred percent sure there are a lot more people who are more deserving of Artila then me, but I thought it would be worth a shot! I haven't applied for a pet in so long, anywhoo, yes I would love to have Artila and I am almost positive I wouldn't trade her for another pet, I mean all of the pets I have today, most of them I've had ever since I have started. I have a goal of having a great deal of pets to be proud of and Artila would be quite an honor to have with me (: I hope you have fun reading through all theses apps and I wish you the best in the real world (: THANKS - Jello
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 16:02
Hi my name is Nat and I am applying for Timion. I am sorry you are leaving marapets but I wish you the best.

I have chosen to apply for Timion honestly because I believe that I will have a better chance at receiving him then I will some of your other pets.

I have been playing marapets for about 3 years on this account as well as a previous account that got banned. In total I have had around 6 years of marapets experience. Recently, I have started playing again and have become very interested in trading my pets. I currently have an anime zoosh which I am trying to trade. However, I would like to have two anime pets next to each other (just like my two furry chibs are) and Timion's name fits perfectly. Although it would be only temporarily I would take care of Timion while he was in my possession. I also would consider statting him. My ultimate pet goals include a mordo army or a chibs army. If I were to win Timion I would probably trade him in order to achieve my ultimate goals.

Thank you so much for reading. I know you have a lot of apps to go though so good luck choosing and best of luck to all that apply.
112 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 31st Jul 2012 15:47
  1. Blog #376581
    28th Jul 2013 18:37
    11 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  2. Blog #357511
    31st Jul 2012 09:35
    12 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
  3. Blog #354844
    14th Jun 2012 18:56
    12 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
  4. Blog #342184
    1st Oct 2011 20:35
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  5. Photos I need
    1st Oct 2011 07:22
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  6. Blog #335030
    6th Jun 2011 14:07
    13 years, 8 months & 19 days ago