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  1. Blog #376581
    28th Jul 2013 18:37
    11 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  2. Blog #357511
    31st Jul 2012 09:35
    12 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
  3. Blog #354844
    14th Jun 2012 18:56
    12 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
  4. Blog #342184
    1st Oct 2011 20:35
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  5. Photos I need
    1st Oct 2011 07:22
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  6. Blog #335030
    6th Jun 2011 14:07
    13 years, 8 months & 19 days ago

12 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
31st Jul 2012 09:35

I'm quitting so I'm giving all my LEs, post apps here.

-You may apply for only one pet
-Don't post apps on the forum, only on the blog
-Don't chat on the blog, only post apps but you may chat on the forum
-Apps can be as long as you want but I'd prefer not having one sentence apps as you probably won't win if you do that

For further details see the main topic:

Hi, I'm Aang. I'm here to apply for Marshmollow, your Fire Quell.

As you can see from my profile, I love Quells. I like to call myself Quell Queen and I can always use another to add to my collection of otters. My personal favorite type of Quell is Fire, so Marshmollow made me smile in the happiness of his eternal fire.

I'm that 19 year old crazy that loves to spend her time on the computer, usually talking to her friends or caring for many many virtual pets on various websites. Amidst all my pets, I keep coming back to Marapets and my Quells.

I love Country music and SciFi TV shows, I collect dolls and I also customize my dolls into characters from my stories (I'm a writer). That's me in real life.

Me on Mara...well I (kind of) run a pet price website but my full time job leaves me very little time for Marapets this summer, so I haven't kept it as updated as I could have.

As for Marshmollow, I don't promise to stat him up because everybody knows I probably won't be bothered with that. I don't promise him learnables or fancy minipets because I probably won't do that. I won't promise not to trade, because while I most likely won't trade, I can't tell what I'll feel in several weeks or months. The only thing I DO promise is not to recostume him. You'd have to be some kind of crazy to recostume a Fire Quell. I'm crazy but not that kind of crazy xD

By the time you choose a winner for your lovely pets, I'll probably have or be able to make space, should Mollow decide to make his new home amongst my other little Otters.

If I weren't at work, I would make a nice graphic, maybe even a website for Mollow, but I'm running on a tight schedule, so here's what I could do on an hours' worth of break time x]

Thanks for reading my rather lazy application for Marshmollow the Fire Quell x]
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 17:18
I feel a little guilty for applying because there are so many apps already. Are you going to be able to weed through all of these in one day? Six pages already. /:??
Thank you so much for doing this!

Anyways, I'm Rachel, and this app is for Touz. I kind of wanted to learn about you because I don't recognize your name (though your pet Womac sounds familiar-- was she always yours or did you trade for her?) so I leafed through your blogs and info page. But you don't have any about-me pages. So that didn't work out well.
I was hoping to find similiar interests of some sort. ):
All I can think of is that I've given away 3 LE's this year so I know the sharp insight used to read apps. You kind of pick up traits of people app'ing.??
It can feel a little heart breaking giving away a pet and at the same time, freeing.
I would like to say that I would care very much for Touz, and that at some point maybe trade him (or even give away if I hold onto him until I quit eventually). I love viottos and appreciate this chance to get one. Fingers crossed!
I've been on Mara for about 5 years on and off--but of course I came back (; maybe you will too, it can be so addicting!-- and yet I've never actually owned a viotto. So that's why I'm app'ing for Touz. He's an amazing pet to own.??

I wish you good luck choosing the winners and success outside of Mara. Thank you again for this opportunity and take care!
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 15:04
Hi there, sorry to hear about you leaving. I wish you the best of luck for the future.
I`m going to try and keep this short and sweet and explain to you why I would be the best possible owner for Touz.
So, my name is Kris, and like I said I am applying for Touz, your Rainbow Viotto, for many reasons.
1) It is a beautiful pet.
2) I have always wanted a Viotto.
3) I feel like I am very responsible and can take great care of Touz.
4) I am constantly active and generous.
5) I plan to be playing on marapets for a very long time.
6) I have many toys and planning on statting the pet to 100 plus.
7) Touz will never be left sick or unhappy.
8) Touz will never be traded.

Also, if you are wondering if I am not experienced enough,
I had an old account, Loriee, that was banned.
I had this account for 4 years, and it consisted of millions of marapoints, thousands of rp and bp.
Also, 6 LE pets that I adored and 100 plus avatars.
So, I am currently trying to get back on my feet.

I hope you can give me this opportunity to take great care of this pet. It would be amazing to have a pet as beautiful as this and call it mine.

Again, it would be greatly appreciated, and I hope you consider me as a possible future owner. I wish you the best of luck in the real world.

Thank you for this opportunity,
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 14:46
Man I'd love to apply, but it wouldn't be fair to all the others who haven't been given a chance before. Good luck picking and please choose well. Too many ungrateful scavengers. I hope the winners are worthy

Wish you the best on your time away from Mara! You'll be back- we always are lol
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 14:00
Oh gosh, 145 comments so far, glad I'm not you having to read through all these! ^.^

Anyway, I'm Sarah, and I've been playing on marapets for roughly four years now. I have tried quitting once (back in 2010), but returned a weeks later. *Not addicted, promise!* :3

My application is for Timion, your anime quell. I highly doubt I'd trade him (if I was lucky enough to receive him), as I seem to get very attached to my pets- they're all my babys! :$ I would love to stat him to as high as possible, since I've always wanted too, but never felt the motivation to do so. /lazy, but I'm sure that'd change with Timion. : )

I don't intend to bore you with a massive app, but I would just like to say how much I would appreciate to get Timion as he is such an amazing pet, but also how saddened I am to see another maraden to leave marapets.

Either way, I hope you have fun reading the rest of the apps and giving away your wonderful pets.
But mostly I hope you have a phenomenal life in the real world.
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 13:31
It's sad to hear that your leaving marapets (Not sucking up)
Well heres my app,

I would like to apply for Gatti and hears why,
This isn't my first account infact this is my 7th see i owned the account called Goldenmaximus and i got caught for cheeting but if you ever saw how many pets i had and that they all had jobs or were in education, I only have one because i made this new account yesterday but i have learnt not to have multipal accounts, But my love for pets will never change on vertual games and in reality x

I would love to have Gatti as a pet and i would take care of Gatti and as you can see my blue gonk called buttercup498 has 100% happy 0% hungery and 0% tired.

Thankyou for reading x
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 13:29
Hey, I'm Jocelyn, and it's a shame that you happen to be leaving, because your pets happen to be quite wonderful. I'm not very good at these types of things, but I'd thought since someone is this generous I thought I'd give it a try. I happen to be applying for Haxle the minipet ercuw since I love ercuws and I haven't had one. Their just simply adorable. I know you don't know me and everything, but my plans with haxle would be that I would continues statting him up and get him to a goal of 500+ stats since I like stats. I've only been on here a few months so my pets haven't gotten very far with their stats. I also think he would look quite nice with the rest of my pets. Anyways best of luck finding someone worth haxle to have and to care for, and for whoever gets that chance to have him will probably never trade him.
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 12:49
ok.. So this is what it was suppose to look like, but after ohh three hours of failure... I could not get it to here as an image.

But since I could not do that, I had to copy and paste it, so it just does not look as nicely as I would hope.


My Application For Artila
The currently ???broken image??? wizard Sindi

I???m sure one of these days Ian will get his act together and have his staff fix it, but until then, I will remember what she looks like.

1Top hat with a lovely yellow star right in the middle.
2Puppy like eye, that make you want to melt.
3A grin that could make any grouch change their minds.
4Ears that could hear a mile.
Last but not least, a cap flowing to her toes.

With some many people pouring in, what can set me aside.

There is noting better about me, I am not better than any one else here, year I am have nicer pets than some, but that is only because I have been playing since January 11, 2005, 5:13 pm. And there are far better players, and maybe others should get more of a chance because of that.

I have two dogs, one Irish wolf hound, (he is special needs) and one pit bull, both get along very well. And one very annoyed cat??? not at us.. But that he has to deal with the TWO VERY STUPID DOGS??? or at least the cat thinks so.
But all in all they get along.

I???d have to say I???m a bit of a pet hoarder.. And where the pets are on my account, the placement and what they look like is all pretty important to me, took me nearly 4 years to get my roflings right. And they haven???t changed. And never will.

Who ever you choose, I???m sure will have stars in their eyes and butterflies in their bellies, I just hope that I am on at the time so I can be along for the ride to read their joy.

112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 12:19
Decided to make a website for my application :3


Good luck picking the winners Jenn<3
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 12:11
So hey, my name is Evi c: I'm from the United states of America and I'm entering my sophomore year of high school.
I'm apping for Touz! I've been playing marapets for roughly 3 years, with a few hiatuses here and there. Last year around this time I pretty much quit marapets. I recently got back on though. I want to app for Touz because I really, and I mean really love rainbow viottos. I don't think I've ever gotten my hands on one of them .-. I think Touz would be a great addition to my family. I don't really have a theme or anything, I'm just trying to get pets I like. Another reason I want Touz is because of his name ??? I don't know, I was pretty drawn to the name when I first saw it. I do trade pets and stuff, but if I win pets in a giveaway or something I tend not to trade them. The only time they leave my account is when/if I quit for real. So yeah as you see read this app I hope you like, at least a bit xD I haven't apped for a pet for around a year or two.
Thanks for reading my app c: I wish everyone good luck!
Deleted my last post, so I can upload my app with the graphic I made c:
I also made another one, but it's a person thingy take on Touz. But when I uploaded this I remembered he was male xD But I worked on hard on it, so I though it'd still share:
112 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 1st Aug 2012 10:55
  1. Blog #376581
    28th Jul 2013 18:37
    11 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  2. Blog #357511
    31st Jul 2012 09:35
    12 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
  3. Blog #354844
    14th Jun 2012 18:56
    12 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
  4. Blog #342184
    1st Oct 2011 20:35
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  5. Photos I need
    1st Oct 2011 07:22
    13 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  6. Blog #335030
    6th Jun 2011 14:07
    13 years, 8 months & 19 days ago