Bullying is ridiculous. Why should you call someone a name just because you're insecure about yourself? Why take your own personal hatred out on someone else? I think it's ridiculously unjust and it should be stopped. You never know what a few unkind words will do to someone. You're not alone going through your hard times. Why not comfort them instead of putting them down just to feel better about yourself? It doesn't make any sense. I've been bullied myself and it nearly killed me. I'm coming up on my last year of high school and all of middle school I was bullied. Even in elementary school, everyone made fun of me because one of my ears sticks out slightly farther than the other one. In this world today, if you're different than someone, you get picked on. Most of the time, as I said before, the bullies are most likely insecure about themselves and feel they need to pick on other people. Sometimes, though, they're just going along with the crowd. Anything to fit in, right? People are so cruel. Bullying should be something you can go to jail for. I bet those bullies didn't know that if you bully someone and they commit suicide because of the things you said/did, then you will go to jail for murder.
The point is, think before you say something. I could go on & on & on about this because as a victim of this cruelty called bullying, I know how bad it can get. Some people have lost their lives to bullies. Please, think before you say something guys. Bullying is getting out of hand...