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Marapets is mobile friendly
    17th Mar 2012 13:18
    12 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  2. ALL LE's ever owned...
    4th Mar 2011 13:14
    14 years & 9 days ago
12 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
17th Mar 2012 13:18

Given out so far:
MournfulRose- 1 mil mp
cupcakesprinke- 1 mil mp
maxgal- Pink Cossie
hottgreendolphin- Brown cossie
RandomMarapet- British Costume
Tempt- Werewolf Costume
Amanda4433- webcam giftbox

[edit] I have enough takers on the potions everyone... so no more appning for the sybri or snookle potions after poetkitty!! Smile
MP APP: app for mp here too please. Its taking too long for another blog to be created.
You can app for 1 mil at the most... have 7 slots open.

No sob stories.
Please use correct grammar.

Give some good reasons and talk yourself up so I know you know you're worth anything XD

Please make your app thorough.

You cannot app for anything else if you are apping for mp.
And put the word banana at the end of your comment so i know you read all this.

App for only ONE item. Choose wisely.

NO sob stories. I hate them...

Give good reasons why you deserve it. What you plan to do.
Or what you plan to trade or get from it.

Please post what you want on the top of your comment, with two exclamation points after it so I know you read all this.

Stoneage Wig!!

Hey, I'm Aarlynn. I love wigs so much, but they're so darn expensive! I love the Stoneage Wig in your gallery, and I would most certainly keep it if you gave it to me. Thanks for this generous giveaway!
112 years, 11 months & 2 days ago 7th Apr 2012 17:06

Hi, I'm Dookie, you can call me DK. I'm here for 1mil mp that you have in your account.

I plan to use it to gain more mara clothes within my wardrobe, especially ones like Corset and Winter Jacket.

If I cannot do that, I plan to stat Cawtly or Supremacist very highly as they are both my battle pets.

Again, if I do not do that, I will make Aftertaste into a Burnt pet.

Thank you for your time. Good luck choosing! Have fun in the real world!

112 years, 11 months & 2 days ago 7th Apr 2012 17:02

Hi I'm Gigi, and I want to win some mp for my selfish self <3 I hope you do like graphics because I will be including some and they might hopefully get me brownie points P:

So a bit about myself P: School's taken up most of my life now, but I do, when I can, go on mara to do dailies and such <3 I like and roam all aspects of mara, as in, a little bit of restocking, questing, battling, forum-ing etc etc ;D

Anyway, I have been on mara for quite a while, and I love to complete goals and that feeling you get when you make a goal and you actually complete it!! Most of my goals though, require a looooot of mp ;-; Actually, nearly everyone's on mara does P: So yeah...

What I will be using the mp for you ask? Easy xD Although I could make a whooooole long list, but main ones:
.: Statting Viorra more (crystals are so expensive now, and she requires 10 :S)
.: My TC fund (I collect TC's and basically I just need all those 10mil TC's need to go in my deck)
.: Training other pets (Im saving up for a rofling potion VIA olympic points P: And training other pets increases chances of me winning more points as they go up in levels)
Those are just my basic, main goals.

So now, I'm just meant to talk myself up ^-^ Because school is there, I don't have much time to make mp and complete my goals :S which is frustrating. When I really have the time, and work hard on a virtual pet site, I can actually do it xD But sometimes I need a little bit of help. So here is my rope ladder to the helicopter, the helping hand that is reaching out to me when i trip over my own feet....(actually, more like I quickly get up and pretend that I never tripped...but you know what I mean ;D)

Thank you so much for this opportunity,

So I'm just going to finish up my app with one last thing:

112 years, 11 months & 10 days ago 30th Mar 2012 19:40
Webcam Giftbox!!

Hmm, i'm Alexis. Don't let the username fool you. i'm 16, and i've been playing mara for 5+ years.

I'm currently working on completing my goals of turning all my pets le.
I just recently turned Shamp into a Shaved Sindi.

As of now, i'm working to transform Aystinn into a quell. Tongue Out
Which would also explain my reasons of apping for the webcam giftbox. Which i would totally go bananas for.

I have to admit, i don't plan on keeping it long after i get it. Most likely, it'll go into trades to earn me some mpzzz.

To say why i deserve it, wellll. I can't say i do, but i can tell you why i dearly need it.
I'm getting pretty low on mp, after doing blitzen TWICE, {completed once} and recently buying Shamp's potion+costume, my bank is pretty drained. I'm really having trouble selling anything. Hopefully this will bring me some better luck! I've been working on saving up, but a giftbox would help greatly i must say.



112 years, 11 months & 10 days ago 30th Mar 2012 18:38
I would love to have 1 million MP! This is because I am currently saving up for a spy costume for Joppeh. I am not quite there yet, and as I am also doing the fates, my money is constantly disappearing. I would use any leftover money to buy a sleepy costume for my figaro! Then two goals of mine will be completed. I hope you will consider me! Thank you for doing this giveaway, it is very kind. Good luck deciding!
112 years, 11 months & 10 days ago 30th Mar 2012 18:27
What I'd like: Christmas 2010 Dinner

Hey my name's Skye, and I'm apping for the Christmas 2010 Dinner. It doesn't have to be that per se, because I wouldn't mind any of the gourmet food in your gallery (), but the Christmas 2010 Dinner would be an awesome piece to add to Nutino's gourmet food list / pokes his big belly
Christmas 2010 Dinner is a pretty special item to me I'd say, because it is the year that I wasn't on Marapets (one of three to be exact), so I'd really like to have a moment from the time of my absence.

Feel free to ignore my ramblings, because even I don't seem to understand my sentimental attachments, but I'd really appreciate it if you could find me worthy of receiving such a precious (and yummy by the looks of it) gift.

Sad to see you leaving, but I'm sure real life is more alluring. Good luck in the future and good luck in reading this stack of applications, hoping for the best.

112 years, 11 months & 10 days ago 30th Mar 2012 18:12
{didnt post ba****** because my friend is allergic
112 years, 11 months & 18 days ago 22nd Mar 2012 16:01

hi, my name is madi, and i have been playing mara for over a year now. Why? I don't exactly know, it isn't as fun anymore with everyone being too war competetive{, but hey, im full adicted.} Even my own side! Point is, i've seen about 10 people quit today, and they have their reasons. However, most don't share what they have accomplished, and because of this, you must already know you are being very genorus.
As you proberly don't know yet, i have been saving up to turn Diablab into a chibs, and i have come pretty close with my shop and all. Point is, i need that little bit more and i'll soon be done! I'm really excited, but somehow i've come up short. I will turn diablo into a snow chibs, to match my other!
now you must be wondering, why would i pick a b/n. Well, i am naming him after my cat{current}who has that weird name as a short of diablo.
anyways, thanks for reading, and goodluck in real life!
112 years, 11 months & 18 days ago 22nd Mar 2012 16:01
Hello, I am prettyinpink10, also known as Tiffany. I am applying for one million MP. I have been a marapets player since 2005. I quit shortly after I joined, but came back because I could never stay away. I would really love the MP for a few reasons. For one, it would greatly help me in saving my MP up. I am currently trying to get a new male certificate for my hobo chibs. However, I have not had much luck in the money department. I would really appreciate the MP. However, if you decide not to give it to me, that's fine to. Thank you for considering me[: Banana. I always have to sing that one song. This stuff is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S to remember how to spell it[:
112 years, 11 months & 18 days ago 22nd Mar 2012 15:59
Hey, im Boone and I would love your Draab trading card. As you can see if you view my gallery, ive been trying really hard to collect dark side items, just to kind of rep the dark side and be a good teammate to others. Ive become very poor on mara from all the questing and restocking and I've ran out of money basically and cant make any back for some reason xD I would lvoe this card for my gallery or to trade for different trading card in the war to add to my gallery. Lovely Dakota you have, sorry your leaving Mara I did before, but am hooked on it again xD Thanks for your timr! BANANA!
112 years, 11 months & 18 days ago 22nd Mar 2012 15:51
    17th Mar 2012 13:18
    12 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  2. ALL LE's ever owned...
    4th Mar 2011 13:14
    14 years & 9 days ago