Name Changes

8 years & 27 days ago
13th Feb 2017 01:3820017 Name changes,
Staff have replied with the following message:
Sorry the pet name Joanna has already been taken. If you want to try again you can send another support ticket.
MaraPets Team.
Staff have replied with the following message:
Your pet name has been changed as requested. If the name doesn\'t show up immediately it will do so when you feed or play with your pet.
Due to current overwhelming demand, please wait 30 days before sending another pet name change request. If you have sent more than one request already, those have been deleted.
MaraPets Team.
Joey the Hobo Chibs. xD
(this is my nickname at work)
Thank you so much to all the staff who have been working so hard on this

Your pet Odinz is now named Moogle!
Your pet Nanakis is now named Nanaki!
Your pet Sleipnirs is now named Sleipnir!
Your pet Altars is now named Altar!
Your pet Luhe is now named Aeris!
Your pet Tonberries is now named Tonberry!
Your pet Hildas is now named Cactuars!
Your pet Athames is now named Athame!
Your pet Chrysi is now named Folk!
Your pet Sabatons is now named Pagan!
Your pet Crows is now named Rhain!
I also created Sabaton, Hilda and Shadows
Jule 2019 name changes,
Your username Tifa has been changed to Witch.
Your username Freya has been changed to Tifa.
Your username Joanna has been changed to Freya.
Your username Joanna has been changed to Yuffie.
Your username Joanna has been changed to Frigg.
Your pet Lukasa is now named Selphie!
Your pet Ednah is now named Gaige!
Your pet Jl is now named Cids!
Your pet Folkvangr is now named Maddoc!
Viikings has been renamed to Runes