An Eventful Return
12 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
26th Feb 2012 03:58After a
very long absence from Marapets, I returned yesterday on the 25th February 2011. To my surprise, there was a war going on so I tried to catch up on what I'd missed.
More interestingly, though, I started to look into trading for a Viotto with one of my Ercuws (since three is enough for any one person). I didn't get a deal settled yesterday, but then woke up to find I'd been given a
seasonal Viotto from a giveaway! Life = made!
On another awesome note, I bought a Sword of the Dark Side with the ??5 AU credit left over from when it was given out as loyalty prizes. I put it up on trades, then woke up to find an offer of 3.8mil on it, in pure.
![Wide Grin](
So overall, a very successful return! I'm now looking to make one more LE pet, which I'll create using a potion/plushie worth about five million MP. First, though, I need to chose a name.