Argh, you just HAD to click on this link? Oh well, since I love you, I guess it doesn't matter. [center][/center]
[center]Note: I'm not trying to brag about anything. [why would you even think that? lol, there's nothing to brag about.) xD
Also note: You can ask me anything [via post here or maramail], but I will NOT post anything personal, so don't ask. That is not allowed.[/center]
[center]Well, I know I already have a few things on my info page, but this is just more of a.... Continuation, cause I couldn't put anymore characters on it. sooo yeah. (:
Also, if you want me to make you any graphics or something, check out my other blog I will be soon making. I will sell them for cheaaaaap.[/center]
*I like chocolate, like a lot.
*I take band, and yeah, I play the clarinet.
*I also joined the Jazz Band.
*My real name is Heidi.
*I'm in the smart classes in my school.
*I do wear make-up.
*I'm in Athletics. (Which is a class in my school that's different from PE. We
actually do stuff. And it sucks.)
*I'm 14.
*I love writing. I'm going to do UIL for journalism.
*I'm skinny.
*I make all my graphics.
*I love purples and blues and stuff.
*I play tennis, I'm track, and I'm a blue belt in Tae Kwon Do.
*I'm more of a cat person.
*I have pretty long, wavy hair. Sometimes I straighten it. (:
*Love cardigans. One of the clothing items I cannot live without.
*I want to be a Radiologist when I grow up(:
*I don't read very much, lol.
*I actually like school to a point.
*I looove eating.
*I currently have plum nail polish on.
*I really like the word 'platypus'. idk, just something about it.
*I have the dumbest friends, but I love them.
*I take Spanish.
*I shop everywhere/