The Riddler
14 years, 3 months & 17 days ago
3rd Nov 2010 18:22The Riddler is a live chat board game for the club Addicted to Mara. Here's how it works: The Riddler appears and ask for a show of hands on who will be available to play. Then if there are at least 3 players, a time is announced.
When the game starts a topic is announced and then jokes or riddles or a combination of the two are asked that go along with the stated topic. Each time a club member answers a question correct a prize is awarded.
No Editing posts during game play
Wait a few minutes before guessing again
Prizes: Random items, often participation prizes are awarded, sometimes there will be bonus prizes which you may or may not have a clue how to get these.
Any questions? Drop purplecowzrule a maramail or ask on the chat.