RS Tips
14 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
17th Aug 2010 08:03 Just something for me to see, so that I don't have to keep going back to Toxicant's blog.
Things to do before you start RSing include:
1- Get firefox. download the firefox ad-block.
2- Block all of the ads on marapets. Depending on where you're restocking, block all of the images that you will not ever be buying from the specific shop. Example: I have all the potions blocked in the potions shop except for the LEs and the costumed non-LEs.
3- Always press the F11 key to make your screen full. If you do not do this, you will have to scroll down in order to see the code. Every second counts when you're RSing.
4- You're now ready to begin RSing. For starters, I suggest the Musical Instruments shop, which stocks at the 0 and 5. When you improve a bit, you can head on to the Computer Parts shop.
Steps to actually get the items:
1- Do NOT get distracted. Stay off of facebook, maybe look at 1 forum inbetween or reply to a maramail, but that's it.
2- Click on the item quick. Do not click back if you see a better item. You will not get it.
3- I've always used the keypad for actually typing the numbers, but the number row works just as well. Place your fingers in the best way the feels comfortable for you, and type the number. Click enter as soon as you have the 6 numbers typed in, with the closest enter key to your fingers.
4- Successful restock. You're now able to re sell this item in your shop for a higher price.
5- To figure out RSing times, take the number that the shop ends with, and minus it by one. That is the time it will stock at. Example: potions ends 4, (the number being 34) so it will stock at the 3. Shops restock every 5 minutes, so the shop will stock again at the 8.
6- Do not panic. I'll admit I used to panic over things, but come on. It's pixels.