My Favorite Marapet Species and Colors

14 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
18th Jul 2010 19:02Here are some of my favorite Marapet species and colors. I know it looks like a lot, but there are TONS of Marapets out there.
Angel Chibs
Angel Poera
Angel Tantua
Armoured Crikey
Black Arinya
Black Tasi
Blitzen Fasoro
Blitzen Vixen
Blue Arinya
Chinese Figaro
Chinese Poera
Cottoncandy Kidlet
Cottoncandy Tasi
Dark Daisy
Dark Tantua
Detective Ike
Detective Jessup
Easter Tantua
Eleka Fasoro
Eleka Poera
Eleka Viotto
Elf Bolimo
Emo Bolimo
Enpiah Daisy
Explorer Daisy
Explorer Tantua
Fairy Gonk
Fairy Jessup
Funky Rusty
Furry Crindol
Geek Lati
Gothic Crindol
Gothic Tantua
Grey Nino
Halloween Fasoro
Hero Daisy
Hero Viotto
Hobo Chibs
Ice Crindol
Icefairy Dakota
Icefairy Osafo
Lightning Crindol
Love Lati
Mafia Basil
Midnight Vixen
Millionaire Gonk
Minipet Fasoro
Mutant Rusty
Pirate Reese
Pirate Yakubi
Pirate Yuni
Pixie Jessup
Polar Figaro
Prison Crindol
Prison Daisy
Prison Ideus
Prison Lati
Prison Nino
Punk Dakota
Punk Tantua
Purple Arinya
Royal Troit
Seasonal Tantua
Snowman Bolimo
Sports Figaro
Snow Tantua
Superhero Mordo
Superhero Murfin
Superhero Sindi
Valentine Arinya
Valentine Figaro
Villain Fasoro
Villain Tasi
Voodoo Fasoro
Vortex Fasoro