Hi there! (:
My name's Ryan, and I'm here to apply for an Extra Pet Giftbox. I've been playing Marapets since 2007, and I've been faithful ever since. But before I just want to say, that it pains me to see another veteran of Marapets leave, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyways, the reason I'd love to have an EPG is to have room for another Rusty. As you can see, I'm the Rusty King. Ever since I was a newbie, I've been collecting them, and they will NEVER be for trade. I have a Rusty potion in my inventory, and I've been VERY tempted to buy an EPG in forums, but they're just so expensive, and I really need to save up for my club, Postcard.
Anyways, good luck in reality, & thanks so much for the chance!
- Ryan. ;D