This club has been made to help newbies start MaraPets on a larger scale.
We will help newbies become smarter and more responsible on MaraPets.
It will be like we'll be helping out everyone by changing a small amount of people.
<table> <td width=323 height=150 bgcolor=#000000 style=vertical-align:top;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#000000; background= > <h2>RULES & REQUIREMENTS</h2> <div id=log style=width:323;height:150px;overflow:auto;> <center> <font face=verdana size=1 color=black weight=bold> UNDER CONSTRUCTION<br> <b>RULES</b><br> 1. BE ACTIVE!!!<br> Being active helps the world go round.<br> 2. DON'T TRIPLE POST!!!<br> Double posting is tolerable but triple posting is just annoying.<br> 3. DON'T CHAT SPEAK!!!<br> Lol, lmao, etc. is ok but using little short words to substitute for bigger ones may be hard for others to read.<br> So please be considerate of others.<br> 4. NO RUMORS!!!<br> Why start rumors in a place to have fun? Thsi club is for friendly and considerate people. If you can't do this please leave.<br> 5. DO NOT RIDICULE PEOPLE!!!<br> Making fun of people is fun but it can be hurtful. Please be considerate to one another. If you can't take jokes, don't use them either.<br> 6. HAVE FUN!!!<br> There is no limit on your happiness.<br> ANY MAJOR INFRACTIONS OF THESE RULES WILL LEAD TO:<br> 1. Activity Suspension<br> 2. Priviledge Suspension<br> 3. Indefinite Club Suspension<br> 4. Club Ban<br> <br> These punishments vary by infraction.<br> <br> <br> REQUIREMENTS<br> 1. Must be literate.<br> 2. Must be respectful.<br> 3. Must be friendly.<br> </font>
Hey, this is Mangamaniac01. Looks like we havem't been very active lately, but that will change. Alex and I are very busy people out here in the real world. He's trying to get a job, and I'm here doing my own thing. Everything has now calmed down a little, he can work on this and I'll help... Anyway, renovations to come, so look forward to it! ^^ </b></h3>
<center> <table width=562 heigth=130> <td background= width=100% height=3 colspan=1 style=vertical-align:top;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#000000;> <center> <h5>NEWS</h5> <div id=log style=width:562;height:130px;overflow:auto;> <center> <font face=verdana size=1 color=black weight=bold> <b>04/09/10</b><br> UNDER CONSTRUCTION<br> <b>12/29/09</b><br> THE SCAVENGER HUNT IS OVER!!!<br> THERE WERE ONLY TWO WINNERS!!!<br> CHECK THE BOX TO SEE WHO WON!!!<br> <b>12/24/09</b><br> THE CLUB RAFFLE HAS ENDED!!!<br> THE WINNER IS... nobody.<br> not one person entered the raffle.<br> On the other hand, the SCAVENGER HUNT is still up and it has been updated.<br> MORE NREWS:<br> The club is now looking for a new name so come and give me some random names and we shall vote on the new name and the person who thought of the name will get a prize.<br> <b>12/11/09</b><br> SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN ON!!!<br> THE SCAVENGER HUNT HAS BEEN UPDATED AND THE CLUB RAFFLE IS TOO!!!<br> The club is now looking for a new name so come and give me some random names and we shall vote on the new name and the person who thought of the name will get a prize.<br> <b>12/02/09</b><br> A CLUB RAFFLE HAS GONE UP!!!<br> THE INFO IS JUST UNDER THIS BOX IN THE CLUB RAFFLE BOX.<br> <b>12/01/09</b><br> IT'S THE HOLIDAY SEASON AND THE SCAVENGER HUNT HAS BEGUN!!!<br> THE RULES HAVE BEEN CHANGED SO I SUGGEST YOU GO READ THEM!!!<b> <b>MORE NEWS</b><br> To those who have not noticed, there is a new club poll up so please vote.<br> <b>11/29/09</b><br> THE POLL IS CLOSED!!!<br> THE DECEMBER CONTEST IS A CLUB SCAVENGER HUNT!!!<br> The rules and details are up so go read them!!!<br> GOOD LUCK!!!<br> <b>11/28/09</b><br> Due to some incidents, the Club Rules have been tightened up a bit.<br> To stay updated, please read them.<br> EXTRA!!!<br> THE CLUB POLL IS OFFICIALLY CLOSING TODAY!!!<br> By the looks of it, we will be having a CLUB SCAVENGER HUNT!!!<br> On December first, it will officially start.<br> MORE DETAILS WILL BE UP LATER!!!<br> <b>11/25/09</b><br> THE CLUB IS UP AND RUNNING PEOPLE!!!<br> TO START THE EVENTS, THERE WILL BE A POLL DECIDING THE FIRST CONTEST FOR DECEMBER!!!<br> THE PRIZE HAS ALREADY BEEN PICKED AND FURTHER DETAILS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AFTER VOTING!!!<br> THANKS AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!<br> <b>11/14/09</b><br> Times have been hard for our club.<br> To whoever reads this before I make a new club update will get 10K MP's for being loyal to the club and reading this.<br> For other news.<br> Once i get more money and new connections, a new layout will be up before Thanksgiving.<br> PEACE!!!<br> <b>09/20/09</b><br> Well, summer is now over and change is coming.<br> Random polls will be going up to determine how the club will be changed<br> Contests will re-start in 2 weeks.<br> <b>08/27/09</b><br> Well, school is starting again.<br> It will be hard for most of us to get on but don't worry.<br> Our two OTM's are now eneding in a couple of days and the race is still pretty tight.<br> The winners shall be announced this Monday.<br> <b>08/07/09</b><br> TO ALL CLUB MEMBERS!!!<br> BOTH I AND MANGAMANIAC01 ARE GOING TO BE GONE FOR AT LEAST A WEEK!!!<br> PLEASE BE PATIENT AND BE ACTIVE TO KEEP THE CLUB RUNNING SMOOTHLY!!!<br> THE PRIZE HAS BEEN UPDATED FOR MOTM!!!<br> <b>08/03/09</b><br> HELLO EVERYONE!!!<br> I hope you are all having a wonderful summer or winter if you live in the souther hemisphere.<br> Staff positios are still available so please mail me if you want a job.<br> Other than that, these are the contests and activities that shall be starting:<br> 1. 1MP AUCTIONS- Items will be up today and will last for at least 3 days.<br> 2. Member Of The Month- Who is August's most active member?<br> 3. Donator Of The Month- Who donates the most in the month of August?<br> These are the activities so far but there will be more to come!!!<br> There will be more info on DOTM and MOTM in the designated boxes.<br> <b>07/24/09</b><br> The club is starting to come back up now.<br> We are opening back up with new Auctions!!!<br> They range from 1-5 days.<br> Go check them out.<br> <b>07/15/09</b><br> THE CLUB STAFF OPENINGS HAVE BEEN POSTED UP!!!<br> THEY ARE IN THE PINK BOX ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE LAYOUT UNDER THE NAME OF STAFF OPENINGS!!!.<br> APPLY FOR THE JOB YOU WANT!!!<br> <b>07/09/09</b><br> HOPE EVERYONE IS HAVING A NICE SUMMER!!!<br> The club shall be having an event in about a month so please stay caught up.<br> There will be staff openings but they will go to certain members.<br> Jobs will open as well in about a month.<br> More details will be up soon.<br> There will be a club poll up to decide wether or not to change the club layout so please vote.<br> HAVE A NICE SUMMER!!!<br> <b>07/02/09</b><br> ALL CLUB ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO RE-BUILD OF CLUB!!!<br> THE CLUB WILL BE UPDATED WITH NEW RULES AND REQUIREMENTS!!!<br> <b>07/01/09</b><br> The Recycling Contest has officialy started!!!<br> There will be 1, 2, and 3 Prize winners.<br> The contest will end June 31.<br> Rules are in the Recycling Contest box lower in the layout.<br> <b>06/29/09</b><br> Team Events have been cancelled because of certain club problems.<br> Instead of the Team Events, we will be having a RECYCLING CONTEST!!!<br> The club goal will be raising up to 1000 CANS!!!<br> The prizes will vary on how many cans we raise as a club by the end of July.<br> Instructions are up on the club layout under the box that says 'Reycling Contest'.<br> <b>06/25/09</b><br> The poll winners are up now!!!<br> The contests that you guys chose are the FASHION SHOW & TEAM EVENTS!!!<br> CONTEST INFO IS UP ON THE LAYOUT UNDER THE NAME OF THE ACTIVITY!!!<br> <b>06/24/09</b><br> The club has now been set to private so when inviting someone, send the the URL of the club in order for them to get in.<br> <b>06/23/09</b><br> CLEARANCE ON SHOP PRICES<br> All of the shop's prices have gone down tremendously! Now you can buy keys at least 15,000 off the original price! Buy!<br> It's summer vaca so that means active club members and staff!<br> Chargermania and MangaManiac01 are going to work our butts off so we can make all you members happy. Which means, more members, raffles, games, contests and more!<br> Get ready!<br> <b>06/22/09</b><br> The club is now looking for staff.<br> The application form will be up this coming week. <br> <b>05/02/09</b><br> Guess what!!!<br> *cricket*<br> Anyway, we have the POTM and DOTM winners of May! POTM is FirePonyGal and DOTM is MangaMahniac01!<br> Congrats!<br>
<b>05/02/09</b><br> POTM AND DOTM HAS STARTED!!!<br> PLEASE MAIL ChargerMania THE PET AND CATEGORY YOU WANT IT IN!!! <b>04/28/09</b><br> YAY!!! NEW LAYOUT!!! As you can see already...<br> Anyway, keep checking the news for more updates. From now on, we're gonna be more productive!<br> <b>04/26/09</b><br> The Club is going to get a new layout, and all the upcoming contests will start this coming week. ***The Club Shop Has Opened! Check it out! We will put in expensive items at great prices! This will be random, so keep your eyes peeled!<br> <b>04/13/09</b><br> The club is going to get renewed and the club shall become more active. Thank You to everyone who had patience in me and stayed.<br> <b>03/13/09</b><br> HAPPY FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!!! Club Auctions are now starting, for the rest of March, random things will go up on the auctions for one day or till the end of march. Keep a good eye out for NICE items.<br> <b>03/01/09</b><br> The club is up and running now. The first poll will decide what the club shall do first. Let's have a good time together.<br>