Animal Poem-Evil pets-Leader-Claw
14 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
13th Jun 2010 18:32Here's a poem!If you like a verse a lot,post it here!I may make more!
Their leader is Claw.
He's an evil mutant rabbit.
It all started at a lab,
where a ray had hit!
He grew a few extra limbs,
4 extra arms to be exact.
He also grew 2 more ears,
and he was still intact!
"Now he's really ugly!"
The scientists exclaimed!
But Claw knew
that the scientists were to blame!
He extended his claws
to amazing lengths!
He killed them faster
than an eye could blink!
He had intelligence,
from computar data he absorbed,
from destroying the lab,
where he had scored!
The first evil scheme,
And now that he had a taste,
of blood and evil,
He could not waste.
A feeling inside of him,
That he liked a lot.
His evil now spreads,
as his evil thoughts.
Today,even now,
his icy heart aches.
From all the coldness,
that it now rakes.
Inside it's just a stone.
Stone cold too.
Hope you don't see him,
then he may kill you!