Mely//Giveaways I won/made <3333
14 years, 10 months & 14 days ago
6th Apr 2010 18:24Im very thankful for winning these items/pets.
Most of them I won was because they quit,sorry.
SO here is my list
Nycola (red troit)
Won her in a giveaway
Tuesday April 6,2010 @ 6:23 PM.
Please donate,buy from shop, or buy my graphics to help me turn her into a polar troit.(VERY first giveaway won.)
I was speechless
82,000 MP
I won 82k at April 7,2010.
She was splitting her 300k to only 4 people.Only one person got to have 82k while the other three contestants got 50k.I guess i was lucky.
sebaai (fairy azul)
I won her in like 5 minutes.
But i won her at 8:54 AM on April 27,2010.
After I apped she just gave her to me.
Well thank you
SO..please help me accomplish my dream pet goal which is a fairy collection/sindi.
Please donate,buy graphics,or anything
Shaved Costume
I won at April,26,2010 @ 10 PM.
TY better.
-Thank you
Giveaways Ive made
Oops forgot the name.
anyways i gave away 2 poeras.
One a midnight poera.
I felt bored and wanted to do a giveaway for once.
Once we hit the 10th page i gaveaway him.I also said if we hit 15th ill send a prize to a random person.
Second,i sent a red poera to my dearest frien,ky.