While browsing through the forums I couldn???t help but be surprised when I noticed how many boards were breaking one major rule in the forums. NO ROMANCE. As for myself, I understand both sides of this ongoing war. I realize that years before there was such rule and it got out of hand and the Staff was forced to make this rule. This shows how easily good things can be ruined by a few people???s bad choices and that too much of a good thing can go bad easily. On the other hand, as a fellow Role-player, I find the fact that this was more than a few years ago and they haven???t even given this ???generation??? of role-players a chance unfair. Even when we bring up these small complaints and even a few good points, most of the Staff is powerless to change Ian???s mind. They suggest that we ???talk to Ian??? about this but what???s the point if our MM???s are ignored? Still there are a few members that are staying positive and even less those are determined. Blog Petition???s suggesting what should be changed in the forums is everywhere now days. I myself have joined a few and it shows the determination of the Role-players and how easily we band together!
One other issue that people are finding in the rules is the rule that states ???No schools or Malls or Life like settings???. Many people find this unfair because given a few good twists, these ???uncreative??? settings become very creative. Still Role-playing is for people who want to get away from their actual lives and start somewhere new or for people who just want to strengthen their writing and creative skills. People are outraged that even though their plots are well thought up and original there boards are still reported and then deleted. How can these determined and devoted members come to a compromise about the rules when they are constantly ignored? If you chose the Staff???s side than feel free to click the big red ???X??? on the top of the page. On the other hand, if you chose the Role-players side, check around for a few good blog petitions and go ahead sign them! Feel free to sign down here or MM me if you want to add to my ideas about rules that just might need changing! ^^
I think a simple kiss/hug or I love you is fine, but nothing too out there. I hate it when we can't have life settings, I had a funny, cool rp going on about 2 twins and there war, they have a sleepover at one scene and staff deleted it!!!!
114 years, 10 months & 7 days ago 18th Apr 2010 18:53
I think that slight Romance should be allowed, but nothing too over the top. I also think that real life settings like Malls, Apartments, or whatever is fine. They might seem uninteresting, but like you said, you can really have a Plot twist and make them good. Like, I know that there are probably many people who want to have a normal girl in a real life setting fall in love with a Vampire or something. I'm not saying I do, I personally think those kinds of Role Plays are way to cheesy but I have nothing against other people wanting to do that, and I believe I could make a Role Play that takes place in a real world like setting with some Romance that would be interesting to me and some other Role Plays. So, I hereby Sign this Petition for the freedom of Role Plays, to be able to literally Role Play whatever they want.
114 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 8th Apr 2010 12:39