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  1. Shamu-La:// A change in tide in the rp forums?
    6th Apr 2010 14:36
    14 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
  2. Piccirillo// My story
    5th Aug 2009 19:26
    15 years, 6 months & 18 days ago
    29th Mar 2009 10:59
    15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
29th Mar 2009 10:59

***Ignore this! I am using this blog to write an article for MaraNews. Go away! xD***

A Change of Tide in the Role-playing Forums?
By Shamu-la
While browsing through the forums I couldn???t help but be surprised when I noticed how many boards were breaking one major rule in the forums. NO ROMANCE. As for myself, I understand both sides of this ongoing war. I realize that years before there was such rule and it got out of hand and the Staff was forced to make this rule. This shows how easily good things can be ruined by a few people???s bad choices and that too much of a good thing can go bad easily. On the other hand, as a fellow Role-player, I find the fact that this was more than a few years ago and they haven???t even given this ???generation??? of role-players a chance unfair. Even when we bring up these small complaints and even a few good points, most of the Staff is powerless to change Ian???s mind. They suggest that we ???talk to Ian??? about this but what???s the point if our MM???s are ignored? Still there are a few members that are staying positive and even less those are determined. Blog Petition???s suggesting what should be changed in the forums is everywhere now days. I myself have joined a few and it shows the determination of the Role-players and how easily we band together!
One other issue that people are finding in the rules is the rule that states ???No schools or Malls or Life like settings???. Many people find this unfair because given a few good twists, these ???uncreative??? settings become very creative. Still Role-playing is for people who want to get away from their actual lives and start somewhere new or for people who just want to strengthen their writing and creative skills. People are outraged that even though their plots are well thought up and original there boards are still reported and then deleted. How can these determined and devoted members come to a compromise about the rules when they are constantly ignored? If you chose the Staff???s side than feel free to click the big red ???X??? on the top of the page. On the other hand, if you chose the Role-players side, check around for a few good blog petitions and go ahead sign them!

A figure was kneeling before a garden, her delicate hands working feverishly to pull up the plants from their hold in the soil. Her dark hair fell down her back in wild curls, and it clashed against her pale skin. Pausing, the girl studied the ground before her. Her eyes were a light grey, but flashed a brillant gold when she narrowed them. She stood, brushing herself off and picking up her basket that had herbs, vegtables, and fruits in it. Her name was Shay Halliwell and she was a local store owner as well as a witch.
She smiled slightly, opening up the small door to the small shop. It had boxes filled with fresh fruit and vegtables. She walked past it, happy that she was able to have her own farmers market. She stepped to a shelf along the wall, it mainly had books. She pressed on it, allowing it to slid away from the wall and revealed another part of the shop. It was filled with small shelfs that had jars of herbs and other things. She smiled, she was one of the few witches that allowed the meetings to be held in her home. A black cat stretched, leaping down from guarding a large leather book. She smiled,"Good morning, Solumn."She said, dipping her head to the werecat. Solumn's amber eyes flashed,"Morning Shay. No one giving you a hard time today?"He asked, stretching his paws tiredly.
114 years, 4 months & 13 days ago 11th Oct 2010 14:22
In the wild, horses form herds. With so many horses running around freely, its bound to attract a ranch or two filled with people wanting to catch these horse. Still, the horses run free and the Lead Stallions continue to debate over who deserves to be on the land and have most of the mares. So faar there are four herds, one for each section of the meadow. When one of the stallions decides to try and take over all of the sections in order to have all of the mares and other stallions in one big herd, the leaders go on edge. Who will win?

When another threat appears because of humans attempting to catch the other wild horses with their horses upsets the prides. Slowly horses are starting to be taken to the stables to be taught how to be ridden.

No begging for attention.
No GM or PP.
You can be a Mare, Stallion, or lead Mare and Lead Stallion also a rouge. (wild)
You can join as a rider and it's horse if you want as well. (Stable)
Lead Mares have no power, only Lead Stallions.
I reserve the right to k.ick you out.


Age: (Young Adult, Foal, Filly, or Adult)
Herd: (North, East, South, West)


Type of Syle: (English Riding or Western)
Horse Info:

I'll join in a moment.
114 years, 6 months & 13 days ago 11th Aug 2010 15:27
Full Name: Shay Halliwell
Age: 15. Or so she looks.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: She is very exotic looking, with her pale skin that never tans though it burns and turns a bright red easily. Her dark hair is almost too harsh for her fair skin but adds to the edge of her looks. Her eyes are what throw people off, they are a golden color, or well the irises are, and always have a dreamy look in them when she smiles. Her face has very exotic bonestructure with high cheekbones and angular jawline.
Personality: She is very dreamy, always having a dreamy look in her eyes causes people to ask her what she's thinking about. Thus, because of people's curiosity, they launch her into one of her many 'arguments' or 'questions' that she usually finishes after a long talk without letting you have a word in it. Otherwise, she is very happy and always willing to give you advise. If your willing to listen to her feverent talking, she is often quite fun to talk too.
Other notes: Once you've befriended her, she is one of the most loyal friends you can have. She came from a long blood line of witches that are powerful but only uses her powers for 'small' things. Known for her vast knowledge in herbs.
114 years, 6 months & 16 days ago 8th Aug 2010 21:07
Two kingdoms live near each other, filled with horses. The weird part though, is that they have wings and live far away from any human or other animal. War has broken off in between the two, simply because they don't like each other. The dark side has been capturing the light siders, because most of the light side refuses to fight for no reason. How can the two sides stop this fighting if there is no reason for the sudden out break. What will the light side do when more and more of them are taken? Will the Dark side take over completly?


Dark Side:
The castle itself, where most of the horses slee and the King and Royal family live in along with the prisoners, is on a cliff. Around it is a dead and dying forest, almost all black and burnt and dead. Most of the horses are dark colored, but not all of them. No weak horses are on this side, and you can't be forced to be on this side though you can and just might be captured by it.

Light Side:
The castle is on a small place that is surronded by clouds, it's actually sitting on a cloud. The castle is white and made of marble making it truly beautiful. Everything about this side is beautiful and serene. Still, when chaos breaks loose and horses are being captured the royal family starts allowing spies and other warriors to do what they want to get them back.

Ranks for both sides:
King (One per side)
Queen( Picked by the King)
Royal Family( Must be approved by King) ex. Sisters, Foals.
Second In Command (Ask Me)
Warrior (Open to anyone)
Healer (Two per side)
Captured (Not everyone can be captured)

Keep sides even.
Do not fight
I reserve the right to k.ick you out.
No attention begging.
Keep everyone involved.
No GM or PP.


Family: (Mate, Sisters, Brothers, Foals)

I will be joining as a member or two from both side. ^^
114 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 23rd Jul 2010 07:37
The wolves all live in the Seren Valley, a beautiful big and lush valley. A river splits two packs, both equally well set off. The grass on either side is long hiding the two territorys from sight from the other side of the river. One pack's name is Starlight, they are carefree and tend to watch the stars. In fact, their ancestors were made from stars or so they think. Their pelts are all sorts of colors and seem to refelct the stars. They can fight, and will if they have too. The other pack is Brambled Pack. They are slightly tougher but stil as equally kind and nice to their pack memebers. Their is no problems between the packs, in fact ehy are friends. A wolf may come a visit the other pack and every once and a while, a wolf with switch sides. It's not that it matters though, because they are close. When spring brings the new colorful flowers, it also brings a bit of a problem. The wolves have started to fight and it becomes to where the Bramble wolves are all males and the Starlight only females. Suddenly both sides are taking prisoners, and the ancestors watch in shame and horror. Will this foolish game of prisoners stop? Will the packs get along again?

No cursing
Not to much violence
Don't be a defenless wolf or pup
Don't beg for attention
I reserve the right to k.ick you out.

Positions in Starlight Pack:
Alpha Female- Taken by Shamu(Tally)
Second In Command- Open
Healer- Open
Lead Warrior- Open
Warrior(s)- Open
Lead Hunter- Open
Hunter(s)- Open
Pup Sitter(s)- Open
Pup(s)- Open

Positions in Starlight Pack:
Alpha Male- Open
Second In Command- Open
Healer- Open
Lead Warrior- Taken by Shamu(Blake)
Warrior(s)- Open
Lead Hunter- Open
Hunter(s)- Open
Pup Sitter(s)- Open
Pup(s)- Open



ooc: Will introduce mine after someone joins. ^^
114 years, 8 months & 20 days ago 4th Jun 2010 10:01
In a small town lays a street called Gavin Oaks Rd. What many people in this small town don't know is that the 13 people living on that street are wtiches! To make matters worse, many of the town's people absouletly love the kids on this street, to them they are perfectly normal. When summer break is out and many of the local kids hang out the beach, the circle of witches stick together. They are considered 'popular' and 'normal'. Ha. That's a joke to them. Every night at 11:11, the group meets for a meeting. They talk about any worries and anything that could possibly need discussing. For now the group leader is Tally, one of the most innocent people you will ever meet. Yet the group is torn, one side wants to use their powers for good and the other personal gain. What side do you chose?

*Speak in third person
*Include everyone(at least try)
* Try to post longish replys.
* The rest are pretty easy to guess.


Age: (Either 14 or 15)
House number: (1-13 if witch if not, above #13)
Witch or Human:
Rank in group: (if witch)
Side in group: (If witch)


I will be playing Tally and Blake (Her brother but no ones knows this.Both are witches)
114 years, 10 months & 10 days ago 14th Apr 2010 18:56
Name: Blake Meriwether
Age: 15
House number: 11
Witch or Human: Witch
Family: Tally
Rank in group: Follower
Side in group: On the verge of both.
Other: N/A

Name: Tally Shay
Age: 14
Looks: Look on profile
House number: 11
Witch or Human: Witch
Family: Blake
Rank in group: Leader
Side in group: Good
Other: N/A
114 years, 10 months & 10 days ago 14th Apr 2010 18:55
  1. Shamu-La:// A change in tide in the rp forums?
    6th Apr 2010 14:36
    14 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
  2. Piccirillo// My story
    5th Aug 2009 19:26
    15 years, 6 months & 18 days ago
    29th Mar 2009 10:59
    15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago